07Language Code Table and Country/Area Code Table

Language Code Table

Language name (language code), input code



Japanese (ja/jpn), 1001

Dzongkha (dz/dzo), 0426

Kirghiz (ky/kir), 1125

Sinhalese (si/sin), 1909

English (en/eng), 0514

Esperanto (eo/epo), 0515

Latin (la/lat), 1201

Slovak (sk/slk), 1911

French (fr/fra), 0618

Estonian (et/est), 0520

Lingala (ln/lin), 1214

Slovenian (sl/slv), 1912

German (de/deu), 0405

Basque (eu/eus), 0521

Lao (lo/lao), 1215

Samoan (sm/smo), 1913

Italian (it/ita), 0920

Persian (fa/fas), 0601

Lithuanian (lt/lit), 1220

Shona (sn/sna), 1914

Spanish (es/spa), 0519

Finnish (fi/fin), 0609

Latvian (lv/lav), 1222

Somali (so/som), 1915

Chinese (zh/zho), 2608

Fijian (fj/fij), 0610

Malagasy (mg/mlg), 1307

Albanian (sq/sqi), 1917

Dutch (nl/nld), 1412

Faroese (fo/fao), 0615

Maori (mi/mri), 1309

Serbian (sr/srp), 1918

Portuguese (pt/por), 1620

Frisian (fy/fry), 0625

Macedonian (mk/mkd), 1311

Swati (ss/ssw), 1919

Swedish (sv/swe), 1922

Irish (ga/gle), 0701

Malayalam (ml/mal), 1312

Sotho, Southern (st/sot), 1920

Russian (ru/rus), 1821

Scots-Gaelic (gd/gla), 0704

Mongolian (mn/mon), 1314

Sundanese (su/sun), 1921

Korean (ko/kor), 1115

Galician (gl/glg), 0712

Moldavian (mo/mol), 1315

Swahili (sw/swa), 1923

Greek (el/ell), 0512

Guarani (gn/grn), 0714

Marathi (mr/mar), 1318

Tamil (ta/tam), 2001

Afar (aa/aar), 0101

Gujarati (gu/guj), 0721

Malay (ms/msa), 1319

Telugu (te/tel), 2005

Abkhazian (ab/abk), 0102

Hausa (ha/hau), 0801

Maltese (mt/mlt), 1320

Tajik (tg/tgk), 2007

Afrikaans (af/afr), 0106

Hindi (hi/hin), 0809

Burmese (my/mya), 1325

Thai (th/tha), 2008

Amharic (am/amh), 0113

Croatian (hr/hrv), 0818

Nauru (na/nau), 1401

Tigrinya (ti/tir), 2009

Arabic (ar/ara), 0118

Hungarian (hu/hun), 0821

Nepali (ne/nep), 1405

Turkmen (tk/tuk), 2011

Assamese (as/asm), 0119

Armenian (hy/hye), 0825

Norwegian (no/nor), 1415

Tagalog (tl/tgl), 2012

Aymara (ay/aym), 0125

Interlingua (ia/ina), 0901

Occitan (oc/oci), 1503

Tswana (tn/tsn), 2014

Azerbaijani (az/aze), 0126

Interlingue (ie/ile), 0905

Oromo (om/orm), 1513

Tonga (Tonga Islands) (to/ton), 2015

Bashkir (ba/bak), 0201

Inupiaq (ik/ipk), 0911

Oriya (or/ori), 1518

Turkish (tr/tur), 2018

Belarusian (be/bel), 0205

Indonesian (in/ind), 0914

Panjabi (pa/pan), 1601

Tsonga (ts/tso), 2019

Bulgarian (bg/bul), 0207

Icelandic (is/isl), 0919

Polish (pl/pol), 1612

Tatar (tt/tat), 2020

Bihari (bh/bih), 0208

Hebrew (iw/heb), 0923

Pushto (ps/pus), 1619

Twi (tw/twi), 2023

Bislama (bi/bis), 0209

Yiddish (ji/yid), 1009

Quechua (qu/que), 1721

Ukrainian (uk/ukr), 2111

Bengali (bn/ben), 0214

Javanese (jw/jav), 1023

Rhaeto-Romance (rm/roh), 1813

Urdu (ur/urd), 2118

Tibetan (bo/bod), 0215

Georgian (ka/kat), 1101

Rundi (rn/run), 1814

Uzbek (uz/uzb), 2126

Breton (br/bre), 0218

Kazakh (kk/kaz), 1111

Romanian (ro/ron), 1815

Vietnamese (vi/vie), 2209

Catalan (ca/cat), 0301

Kalaallisut (kl/kal), 1112

Kinyarwanda (rw/kin), 1823

Volapük (vo/vol), 2215

Corsican (co/cos), 0315

Khmer (km/khm), 1113

Sanskrit (sa/san), 1901

Wolof (wo/wol), 2315

Czech (cs/ces), 0319

Kannada (kn/kan), 1114

Sindhi (sd/snd), 1904

Xhosa (xh/xho), 2408

Welsh (cy/cym), 0325

Kashmiri (ks/kas), 1119

Sango (sg/sag), 1907

Yoruba (yo/yor), 2515

Danish (da/dan), 0401

Kurdish (ku/kur), 1121

Serbo-Croatian (sh/scr), 1908

Zulu (zu/zul), 2621

Country/Area Code Table

Country/Area name, input code, Country/Area code

Anguilla, 0109, ai

Dominican Republic, 0415, do

Antigua and Barbuda, 0107, ag

Estonia, 0505, ee

Argentina, 0118, ar

Finland, 0609, fi

Armenia, 0113, am

France, 0618, fr

Australia, 0121, au

Georgia, 0705, ge

Austria, 0120, at

Germany, 0405, de

Azerbaijan, 0126, az

Greece, 0718, gr

Bahamas, 0219, bs

Greenland, 0712, gl

Barbados, 0202, bb

Grenada, 0704, gd

Belarus, 0225, by

Guyana, 0725, gy

Belgium, 0205, be

Haiti, 0820, ht

Belize, 0226, bz

Hong Kong, 0811, hk

Bermuda, 0213, bm

Hungary, 0821, hu

Brazil, 0218, br

Iceland, 0919, is

Bulgaria, 0207, bg

India, 0914, in

Canada, 0301, ca

Indonesia, 0904, id

Cayman Islands, 1125, ky

Ireland, 0905, ie

Chile, 0312, cl

Israel, 0912, il

China, 0314, cn

Italy, 0920, it

Colombia, 0315, co

Jamaica, 1013, jm

Croatia, 0818, hr

Japan, 1016, jp

Cyprus, 0325, cy

Kazakhstan, 1126, kz

Czech Republic, 0326, cz

Korea, Republic of, 1118, kr

Denmark, 0411, dk

Kyrgyzstan, 1107, kg

Dominica, 0413, dm

Latvia, 1222, lv

Liechtenstein, 1209, li Lithuania, 1220, lt Luxembourg, 1221, lu Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav

Republic of, 1311, mk Malaysia, 1325, my Malta, 1320, mt Mexico, 1324, mx

Moldova, Republic of, 1304, md Monaco, 1303, mc Montserrat, 1319, ms Netherlands, 1412, nl

New Zealand, 1426, nz Norway, 1415, no Pakistan, 1611, pk Peru, 1605, pe Philippines, 1608, ph Poland, 1612, pl Portugal, 1620, pt Puerto Rico, 1618, pr Romania, 1815, ro Russian Federation, 1821, ru Saint Kitts and Nevis, 1114, kn Saint Lucia, 1203, lc

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, 2203, vc

San Marino, 1913, sm Singapore, 1907, sg Slovakia, 1911, sk Slovenia, 1909, si Spain, 0519, es Suriname, 1918, sr Sweden, 1905, se Switzerland, 0308, ch

Taiwan, Province of China, 2023, tw Tajikistan, 2010, tj

Thailand, 2008, th

Trinidad and Tobago, 2020, tt Tunisia, 2014, tn

Turkey, 2018, tr Turkmenistan, 2013, tm

Turks and Caicos Islands, 2003, tc Ukraine, 2101, ua

United Kingdom, 0702, gb United States, 2119, us Uruguay, 2125, uy Uzbekistan, 2126, uz Venezuela, 2205, ve

Virgin Islands, British, 2207, vg



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Pioneer BDP-51FD operating instructions Language Code Table and Country/Area Code Table

BDP-51FD specifications

The Pioneer BDP-51FD is a high-performance Blu-ray player that represents a significant advancement in home entertainment technology. Designed for enthusiasts and casual viewers alike, this model is built to deliver an exceptional audiovisual experience, making it a worthy addition to any home theater system.

One of the standout features of the BDP-51FD is its support for a wide range of high-definition formats. This player is compatible with not just standard Blu-ray discs, but also DVDs, CDs, and various digital formats. Its capability to play back BD-Live content and BonusView enhances the interactivity of the viewing experience, allowing additional features and content to be accessed seamlessly.

The BDP-51FD utilizes Pioneer's advanced image enhancement technology, known as the PQLS (Precision Quartz Lock System). This technology reduces jitter and improves audio quality during playback, ultimately providing a more faithful reproduction of the original sound. The player also supports high-definition audio formats, including Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio, ensuring that both visuals and audio are showcased beautifully.

Moreover, the BDP-51FD incorporates a built-in Ethernet port for easy internet connectivity. This enables users to access streaming services, firmware updates, and BD-Live features directly from the device, eliminating the need for additional hardware. Its user-friendly interface and remote control further enhance usability, making navigation between various functions and settings straightforward.

The sleek and robust design of the BDP-51FD features a clear display and an intuitive control layout. This ensures that the unit not only performs well but also looks good in any home setting. The high-quality build is indicative of Pioneer's commitment to durability and performance.

Another notable characteristic of the BDP-51FD is its support for 1080p upscaling, which provides a significant improvement in picture quality for standard DVDs. This feature enhances the viewing experience by converting lower resolution content to near high-definition quality, making older movies and shows look more vibrant and detailed.

In summary, the Pioneer BDP-51FD is a versatile and feature-rich Blu-ray player ideal for anyone looking to immerse themselves in an enhanced audio and visual experience. With its extensive format support, advanced audio technologies, internet connectivity, and 1080p upscaling, this player stands out as a remarkable choice for home entertainment enthusiasts. Whether you are enjoying the latest Blu-ray release or revisiting a classic, the BDP-51FD ensures that your viewing experience is nothing short of spectacular.