DWiththe function ’Easy Link/NexTView’ the modulator will
beswitched off automatically.
aSwitchon the TV set. If required, select the programme
numberfor the video recorder.
bPleasenote that no cassette has been inserted. Press the
STOP/EJECT?and the PLAYGbutton simultaneous-
lyfor several seconds until e.g.: ’CH35’ appears in the
cSelectthe line ’MODULATOR’ on the TV screen or ’M ON’
inthe display with the menu buttons P;or P=.
dWiththe menu buttons Qor P,select the function
’OFF’on the TV screen or ’MOFF’(modulator off) in the
display.Select ’ON’ on the TV screen or ’M ON’
(modulatoron) in the display to switch the modulator
eConfirmwith the OK button.
fToend, press the MENU button.
Remote control of TV setsYourremote control can operate with a number of remote
controlcommands for TV sets of different makes.
Usingthe TV button set, you can activate the following
Sq TVvolume plus
Sr TVvolume minus
TVySwitch off sound
TVmSwitch off
TVqProgramme number plus
TVrProgramme number minus
aHolddown the TV mbutton and enter the appropriate
remotecontrol command with the digit buttons 0-9 .
Youwill find a list of all available remote control
commandson the last page of this manual.
DIfthe selected code does not operate with your TV set,or
ifthe TV make is not contained in the list, you can try out
thecodes one after the other.
Audio only recordYoucan use your video recorder as a HiFi tape recorder. You
canrecord the sound from e.g. a HiFi unit or a second video
aUsean audio cable to connect your HiFi (stereo) unit to
the AUXIN L R socket at the back of the video recorder.
bSelectthe programme number from which the ’only
audio’recording should be made, using the P;or P=
button(e.g.: ’AUX’ for the AUXIN L R socket.
cPressthe MENUbutton. The mainmenu appears.
dSelectthe line ’RECORD FUNCTIONS’ with the menu
buttons P=or P;andconfirm with the Pbutton.
eSelectthe line ’AUDIO ONLY’ with the menu buttons
P=or P;andconfirm with the Pbutton.
fTostart sound recording, press the RECORD/OTRnbutton.
gTostop recording, press the STOP hbutton.
hToend, press the MENU button.
Manual audio controlWiththe MANUAL buttonyou can switch to manual audio
aPressthe MANUAL buttonon the video recorder. The
currentselection appears in the display.
bKeeppressing the MANUAL buttonuntil ’MAN’ (manual
audiocontrol) appears in the display.
cWiththe PROGRAMME;and PROGRAMME =buttons on
thevideorecorder, adjust the recording level so that the
’0dB’ mark lights up during the loudest parts of the
DAtstep byou can switch back to ’AUTO.’ (automatic
audiocontrol) with the menu button P.