Integra Model 9K0U Scale Operator Guide
SV61955 Rev. A Integra Platform Scale 9K0U Operator Guide
Note: Pressing Exit
while in a supervi-
sor option returns
you to the previous
Supervisor Setup
Option Description
Configure Scale
Install Scale Used to enter the scale’s origin ZIP code
during the installation process
Other Language When ON, prompts display in Spanish
Inscriptions When ON, allows the user to choose an
inscription from those installed in a con-
nected meter
Accounting When ON, communicates with optional
connected mail data system about account
data. When OFF, communicates with op-
tional connected meter about account data.
Vibration Filter Use only in areas of excessive vibration to
aid the display of stable weights
Discount/Surcharge When ON, allows the user to adjust carrier
rates higher or lower than normal
Create Intra ZIP Used to enter ranges of ZIP code locations
within a bulk mailing center