Integra™ Model 9K0U Scale Operator Guide
SV61955 Rev. A Integra™ Platform Scale 9K0U Operator Guide
To enable automatic weight hold feature for every transac-
1. Press the Setup key.
2. Select Auto Weigh Hold to turn the feature on.
3. Select Exit.
4. Select Save changes (or to exit without saving, select
Cancel all changes).
Result: The scale reinitializes and returns to ready mode.
No indication of the weight hold feature displays. Thereaf-
ter, whenever you place an item on the scale, its weight will
be retained briefly when you remove it from the platter.
To disable weight hold, repeat the above steps, noting that se-
lecting Auto Weigh Hold in Step 2 results in Off displaying next
to the feature.
The Integra™ scale interfaces with postage meter models
B700, B900, F800, and F900. Depending on the features
available with your meter, you can initiate and display the me-
ter functions described below via the scale by pressing the
Meter Functions key.
Select Funds to read the amount of funds available/used and
the total number of mailpieces processed. Press CE/C to re-
turn to the Meter Functions screen.
Using the Weight Hold FeatureAdditional Meter Features
Note: Your meter
must be on to ac-
cess these fea-