6 • Adding Postage
6-6 SV62201 Rev. C
Funds in
If you are not sure if you have enough money to run mail or print tapes, you
should check the amount of money (funds) in your postage meter.
To check available funds in your meter:
1. Press the Funds key. The amount of funds available in your postage
meter displays at the top of the screen.
2. To print a funds report on an envelope, place an envelope on the feed
deck and press the Start key. To print on a tape, simply press the Tape
The system returns to the mailing screen.
If you do not have enough postage funds in your meter, check your Post-
age By Phone® Meter Payment System account balance (see Checking
Your Postage By Phone® Meter Payment System Account Balance in this
chapter). If there are enough funds in your account, move funds to your
postage meter (see Adding Postage in this chapter).
Postage By
Before adding postage to your meter, you should check the funds available
through the Postage By Phone® System. Remember, with your new mail-
ing system it is no longer necessary to prepay for postage. Your mailing
system is designed to save you time and make adding postage to your
meter even more convenient. Although you can still prepay, you can take
advantage of the full meter capabilities and add postage now and be billed
later. Please allow up to seven days for your check to post if you plan to
add postage to your meter using pre-paid funds.
To check your account balance:
1. Press the Funds key.
2. Select Get Postage by Phone® Balance. The system dials Pitney
Bowes to connect to your account. When the connection is made, the
system displays your Postage By Phone® System balance.
3. Select Done to return to the main screen.