Postage meter
adding funds 6-7
automatically adding funds 6-7
description 2-2
USPS inspections 6-2
Postage modes
attached scale 4-5
attached scale - autotape 4-5
differential weighing 4-4, 4-5, 4-11, 4-12
key in postage 4-5, 4-11
manual weight entry 4-5
seal only 4-5, 4-15
time and date stamp 4-5
weigh first piece 4-12
Postage tape
description 2-10, 2-11
location 2-10, 2-11
location in option WOW™ module 2-11
printing 3-4
specifications 12-5
when to use 3-4, 4-9
Postal Security Device 2-2, 6-2
Power stacker
optional DJPS 2-3, 2-6, 4-11, 4-12, 4-13, 4-
14, 4-15, 4-19
custom presets 5-24, 5-26
normal preset 5-23
Priming the moistener 9-5
adding optional attached 5-30
attached (external) 8-2
cleaning the printer nozzle 9-8
location of USB connector 5-30
maintenance 9-7
printing a test pattern 9-8
location 2-11
ordering a replacement 11-2
replacing 9-11
Printhead carriage
location 2-11
transaction receipts 7-22
Printing postage
on envelopes 3-3
on tapes 3-4
Quick Profile Report 7-31
adding ZIPs to zero zone 5-11
how to select for your scale 5-7
setting up discount codes 5-11
Reduced speed mode
how/when to use 4-8
Report Print Queue 8-3
account list 8-7, 8-8
custom 7-27
data capture 8-12
data capture (non US only) 8-12
error 8-10
funds 8-8
installed or pending rates 8-12
job 8-11
last 5 refills 8-6
last rates downloaded 8-13
multi-account summary 8-4
operator list 7-33
quick profile 7-31
single account 8-3
system setup 8-9
USPS confirmation services 8-7
weight break carrier/class 7-29
Reports key
description and location 2-12
Safety requirements 1-3
Safety requirements for power stackers 1-5
password protecting setup 5-6
procedures for setting up 5-7
setting up ZIP code prompt 5-10
setting up Zone prompt 5-10
weighing problems 10-11
Screen keys
description 2-12
Seal key
when running mail 4-8
Seal Only mode
using with INVIEW™ accounting 7-17
Seal only mode
how to use 4-15
Shape Based Rating 2-5, A-5
Side guide
adjusting for mail 3-3, 4-6
Smart Class
selecting 4-20
setting up 5-12
accounting features and options 12-4
electrical 12-2
mailing materials 12-5
mailing system features and capabilities 12-4
operating conditions 12-2
Speed codes
speed code list report 7-32