Destination Port Number: This is the Port or Port Ranges that defines the application.

Protocol: It is the packet protocol type used by the application. Select the TCP, UDP,

or, ICMP.

Rule Unmatched: Select action for the traffic unmatched current rule. Select Forward to leave and pass through it. Select NEXT to check it by the next rule.

IP Filter Listing

IP Filter Set Index: This is an item number.

Active: Whether the connection is currently active.

Src IP Mask: The source IP address or range of packets to be monitored.

Dest IP Mask: This is the destination subnet IP address.

Src port: This Port or Port Ranges defines the port allowed to be used by the Remote/WAN to connect to the application. Default is setting from range 0 ~ 65535. It is recommended that this option be configured by an advanced user.

Dest Port: This is the Port or Port Ranges that defines the application.

Protocol: It is the packet protocol type used by the application. Select TCP, UDP, or


3.8.1 NAT Setting

Go to Advanced Setup->NATto setup the NAT features. Network Address Translation (NAT) allows multiple users at your local site to access the Internet through a single public IP address or multiple public IP addresses. NAT can also prevent hacker attacks by mapping local addresses to public addresses for

key services such as the Web or FTP.