(2)IBM term for software interfaces that allow two UNIX application programs to talk via TCP/IP protocols.
A method of fooling network end stations into believing that keep alive signals have come from and returned to the host. Polls are received and returned locally at either end
Static IP AddressA static IP address is an IP address permanently assigned to computer in a TCP/IP network. Static IP addresses are usually assigned to networked devices that are consistently accessed by multiple users, such as Server PCs, or printers. If you are using your Router to share your cable or DSL Internet connection, contact your ISP to see if they have assigned your home a static IP address. You will need that address during your Router's configuration.
SubnetFor routing purposes, IP networks can be divided into logical subnets by using a subnet mask. Values below those of the mask are valid addresses on the subnet.
Transmission Control Protocol - The major transport protocol in the Internet suite of protocols provides reliable,
Trivial File Transfer Protocol. A simple file transfer protocol (a simplified version of FTP) that is often boot diskless workstations and other network devices such as routers over a network (typically a LAN).