shows the port speed and duplex setting.

TxPkts: This field displays the number of packets transmitted on this port.

RxPkts: This field displays the number of packets received on this port.

Errors: This field displays the number of error packets on this port.

Tx B/s: This field displays the number of bytes transmitted in the last second.

Rx B/s: This field displays the number of bytes received in the last second.

Up Time: This field displays the elapsed time this port has been up.

Collisions: This is the number of collisions on this port.

Poll Interval(s): Type the time interval for the browser to refresh system statistics.

Set Interval: Click this button to apply the new poll interval you entered in the Poll Interval field above.

Stop: Click this button to halt the refreshing of the system statistics.

4.4.3 DHCP Table

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, RFC 2131 and RFC 2132) allows individual clients to obtain TCP/IP configuration at start-up from a server.

Host Name: This is the name of the host computer.

IP Address: This field displays the IP address relative to the Host Name field

MAC Address: This field displays the MAC (Media Access Control) address of the computer with the displayed host name.

4.4.4 Diagnostic

These read-only screens display information to help you identify problems with the ADE-3400/4400.