be obtained from ISP. And VCI/VPI values must be obtained from them as well, for some local ISPs don’t offer this information actively.
To set up a PPPoE or PPPoA connection for WAN, follow the instructions below:
Step 1
Fill in the VCI/VPI entries with the information you get from ISP.
Step 2
Choose suitable packet encapsulation (PPPoA
If your ISP provides this info, please type it into the field or leave it blank (factory default).
User Name and PasswordFill in the entries with the information provided by ISP.
Disconnect TimeoutIt is the amount of time you would like to pass before the Router drops your Internet connection due to inactivity. Enter zero (0) in the field to remain Internet connection on at all time. The idle time ranges from 0 to 32767 seconds.
MRUMaximum Receive Unit indicates the peer of PPP connection the maximum size of the PPP information field this device can be received. The default value is 1492 and is used in the beginning of the PPP negotiation. In the normal negotiation, the peer will accept this MRU and will not send packet with information field larger than this value.
MTUMaximum Transmission Unit indicates the network stack of any packet is larger than this value will be fragmented before the transmission. During the PPP negotia- tion,the peer of the PPP connection will indicates its MRU and will be accepted. The actual MTU of the PPP connection will be set to the smaller one of MTU and the peer¡¦s MRU. The default is value 1492.
MSSMaximum Segment Size is the largest size of data that TCP will send in a single IP packet. When a connection is established between a LAN client and a host in the WAN side, the LAN client and the WAN host will indicate their MSS during the TCP