Chapter 3 Console management

3.1 Connect To PC

RS-232 serial cable

Prepare a RS-232 serial cable. Attach the 9-pin female connector to the male connector on the switch. Plug the other side of this cable to your PC.

Hyper Terminal

In Windows 95/98/2000/XP, launch “HyperTerminal”, create a new connection, and adjust settings as below:

3.2 Main Menu

Power on the switch; launch the new terminal program you just set up. Press “Enter” key, then login screen appears as below. Enter username and password to access GSW-1402S.

There are three system default accounts for different privilege levels:

“root”: root can do any configuration includes changing password and enable/disable management capability via console port. The default password of root is “superuser”. Note that this account is not workable on telnet and web management interface.

“admin” admin can do any configuration except changing password. The default password of admin is “admin”.

“guest”: guest can view the whole switch information only, moreover, access to Web management interface is not allowed. The default password is “guest”.