Function Notification

The page of user setting is very closely related to the IP filter settings. While the administrators are setting these two pages, they should notice that login authorities are not only based on the login names but also the range of IP addresses. Administrators could reject login users according to both login names and IP addresses. The administrator accounts have the supreme power; system will always accept no matter how IP filter setting was set.

Several examples to explain the logical relations between login names and the IP policy:


User page: Login name 1= 12345, Password=12345, Access Authority=any

IP filter page: Default Policy=Allow, login name1 comes from 192.168.0.A to B=Allow

Result: when the remote users login in the name of 12345 and come from the IP addresses 192.168.0.A to 192.168.0.B, login will be successful. If these users did not come from the IP addresses A to B, login access will be rejected.


User page: Login name 1= 12345, Password=12345, Access Authority=any

IP filter page: Default Policy=Allow, login name1 comes from 192.168.0.A to B=Deny

Result: when the remote users login in the name of 12345 and come from the IP addresses 192.168.0.A to 192.168.0.B, login will be denied. If these users did not come from the IP addresses A to B, login access will be successful.


(User page: Login name 1= 12345, Password=12345, Access Authority=any

IP filter page: Default Policy=Deny, login name1 comes from 192.168.0.A to B=Deny/ Allow

Result: login of all the login names will be rejected except the login name “admin”.

Application Setting

Parameters in the Basic configuration menu provide machine adjustment; the available configurations are listed below:


Menu Link



FTP Client

Setup IVS-100 as a FTP client and configure



Server site in order to upload images to server






Setup Mail transferring service configuration





Alarm 1

Setup Alarm Output 1 action via manual or


