Note: Free Space Alert Percent (%) and Free Space Alert Size [MB] is OR condition combination, any one above is TRUE, then an alert message will appear automatically.
zMax Number of Events: Set the number of lines which you want to show in the alert message window.
zContinuous Recording: IF free space is not enough, CamView will delete the oldest recording file and keep recording.
zExport: Select the item to save the configuration(Application Configuration)
zImport: Select the item to load the configuration(Application Configuration)
Figure 5.3.1. The Application Tab
5.3.2. Camera SettingsAs shown in Figure 5.3.2, users can set parameters of each camera.
If the Restore button is pressed, the current setting modifications of the specified camera will be cleared and restore to the original.
If the Apply button is pressed, the current setting modifications will be applied to the specified camera. Note that these modifications are not saved to the persistent storage like HD on the computer.
If the OK button is pressed, all settings on all tabs will be saved, and exit the form.
Note: The Apply button is unused for this tab; always confirm the settings by pressing the OK button to let configurations take effect.