same. The default ESSID is “default”.

Channel Number

Select the appropriate channel from the list provided to correspond with your


network settings. Channels differ from country to country.


Channel 1-11 (North America)


Channel 1-14



Channel 1-13


Associated Clients

Click “Show Active Clients” button, then a “Active Wireless Client Table” will pop up


as below. You can see the status of all active wireless stations that are connecting


to the access point.




“Active Wireless Client Table” records the status of all active wireless stations that are connecting to the access point. You can lookup the MAC Address, Number of Transmitted Packets, Number of Received Packets and Encryption Status of each active wireless client in this table.





MAC Address

MAC address of this active wireless station.

Tx Packet

The number of transmitted packets that are sent out from this active wireless



Rx Packet

The number of received packets that are received by this active wireless station.

TX Rate

The transmission rate in Mbps.

Power Saving

Shows if the wireless client is in Power Saving mode.

Expired Time

The time in second before dissociation. If the wireless keeps idle long than the


expired time, this access point will dissociate it. The wireless client station has to


associate again when it become active.