Point. The default password for the Access Point is admin. Note that the


password is case-sensitive.

New Password

Enter the password (up to 15-digit alphanumeric string) you want to login to


the Access Point. Note that the password is case-sensitive.

Re-Enter Password

Reconfirm the password (up to 15-digit alphanumeric string) you want to


login to the Access Point. Note that the password is case-sensitive.

Management IP


IP Address

Designate the Access Point’s IP Address. This IP Address should be unique


in your network. The default IP Address is

Subnet Mask

Specify a Subnet Mask for your LAN segment. The Subnet Mask of the


Access Point is fixed and the value is

DHCP Server

Enable or disable the DHCP Server.

DHCP Server


Default Gateway IP

Specify the gateway IP in your network. This IP address should be different


from the Management IP.

Domain Name Server IP

This is the ISP’s DNS server IP address that they gave you; or you can


specify your own preferred DNS server IP address.

Start IP/End IP

You can designate a particular IP address range for your DHCP server to


issue IP addresses to your LAN Clients. By default the IP range is from: Start


IP to End IP

Domain Name

You can specify the Domain Name for your Access Point.

Lease Time

The DHCP Server when enabled will temporarily give your LAN client an IP


address. In the Lease Time setting you can specify the time period that the


DHCP Server lends an IP address to your LAN clients. The DHCP Server


will change your LAN client’s IP address when this time threshold period is

