36 ENG 37
Deactivate target heart rate zone limits so no limits are used during exercise and no limit values are calculated in the File.
(See steps 1-4 on page 29.)
The display reads: Press or to set Press the Red button to accept
5. OwnZone / Manual / Off LIM /
• select Off Red button
• To return to Time mode, press and hold the Stop button.
Age HRmax 50-60% of 60-70% of 70-80% of 80-90% of 90-100% of
HRmax HRmax HRmax HRmax HRmax
20 200 100-120 120-140 140-160 160-180 180-200
25 195 98-117 117-137 137-156 156-176 176-195
30 190 95-114 114-133 133-152 152-171 171-190
35 185 93-111 111-130 130-148 148-167 167-185
40 180 90-108 108-126 126-144 144-162 162-180
45 175 88-105 105-123 123-140 140-158 158-175
50 170 85-102 102-119 119-136 136-153 153-170
55 165 83-99 99-116 116-132 132-149 149-165
60 160 80-96 96-112 112-128 128-144 144-160
65 155 78-93 93-109 109-124 124-140 140-155
The table below contains target heart rate zones in beats per minute (bpm) estimated by age in 5-year intervals. Calculate
your own HRmax, write down your own target heart rate zones and select the ones suitable for your training.