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Electromagnetic Interference
Disturbances may occur near high voltage power lines, traffi c lights,
overhead lines of electric railways, electric bus lines or trams,
televisions, car motors, bike computers, some motor driven exercise
equipment, cell phones, or when you walk through electric security
Exercise Equipment
Several pieces of exercise equipment with electronic or electrical
components such as LED displays, motors, and electrical brakes
may cause interfering stray signals. To tackle these problems, try
the following:
1. Remove the transmitter from your chest and use the exercise
equipment as you would normally.
2. Move the wrist unit around until you fi nd an area in which it
displays no stray reading or does not fl ash the heart symbol.
Interference is often worst right in front of the display panel of
the equipment, while the left or right side of the display is
relatively free of disturbance.
3. Put the transmitter back on your chest and keep the wrist unit in
this interference-free area as much as possible.
4. If the running computer still does not work with the exercise
equipment, this piece of equipment may be electrically too noisy
for wireless heart rate measurement.
Minimizing Possible Risks When Exercising
Exercise may include some risk. Before beginning a regular exercise
program, it is recommended that you answer the following questions
concerning your health status. If you answer yes to any of these
questions, we recommend that you consult a doctor before starting
any training program.
• Have you been physically inactive for the past 5 years?
• Do you have high blood pressure or high blood cholesterol?
• Do you have symptoms of any disease?
• Are you taking any blood pressure or heart medication?
• Do you have a history of breathing problems?
• Are you recovering from a serious illness or medical treatment?
• Do you use a pacemaker or another implanted electronic device?
• Do you smoke?
• Are you pregnant?
Note that in addition to exercise intensity, medications for heart,
blood pressure, psychological conditions, asthma, breathing etc.
as well as some energy drinks, alcohol and nicotine may affect your
heart rate.
It is important to be sensitive to your body’s responses during
exercise. If you feel unexpected pain or excessive fatigue when
exercising, it is recommended that you stop the exercise or continue
at a lighter intensity.
When in non-coded mode the wrist unit picks up transmitter
signals within 3 feet/1 meter. Simultaneous non-coded signals
from more than one transmitter can cause an incorrect readout.
Using the Polar Running Computer in a Water Environment
Your running computer is water resistant and can be worn when
swimming. The running computer is not, however, a diving instru-
ment. To maintain water resistance, do not press the buttons of
the wrist unit under water. When measuring heart rate in water you
may experience interference for the following reasons:
• Pool water with high chlorine content and seawater are very
conductive. The electrodes of a transmitter may short-circuit,
preventing ECG signals from being detected by the transmitter.
• Jumping into water or a strenuous muscle movement during
competitive swimming may cause water resistance that shifts
the transmitter to a location on the body where it ECG signals
cannot be picked up.
• The ECG signal strength depends on the individual, and varies
depending on the individual’s tissue composition.
The occurrence of problems when measuring heart rate is
considerably higher in water.
Notice to individuals with pacemakers, defi brillators or other
implanted electronic devices. Individuals who have a pacemaker
use the Polar Running Computer at their own risk. Before starting
use, we always recommend a maximal exercise stress test under a
doctor’s supervision. The test is to ensure the safety and reliability
of the simultaneous use of the pacemaker and the Polar Running
If you are allergic to any substance that comes into contact with
your skin or if you suspect an allergic reaction due to using the
product, check the listed materials on page 55. To avoid any skin
reaction to the transmitter, wear it over a shirt. However, moisten
the shirt well under the electrodes to ensure fl awless operation.
The combined impact of moisture and intense abrasion may
cause a black color to come off the transmitter’s surface, which
might stain light-colored clothes.