Operator Safety
Ventilation When Charging BatteriesFailure to provide adequate ventilation while charging batteries can result in an explosion. Volatile
hydrogen gas is emitted during charging and may accumulate in pockets at the ceiling.
• Always ensure a minimum of 5 air changes per hour in the charging area.
• Always remove any storage covers from the vehicle and open any cab doors (if equipped) before
• If the charger turns off due to an overheated condition (thermal cutback), remove the seat to improve
air flow. Reset the charger (interrupt AC power for 15 seconds).
Failure to Inspect Before OperatingFailure to inspect and verify that the vehicle is in safe operating condition before operating increases
the risk of an accident. Always perform the pre-ride inspection before each use of your vehicle to make
sure it's in safe operating condition. See page 26.
Always follow all inspection and maintenance procedures and schedules described in this owner's
manual. See page 44.
Operating With a Load on the VehicleThe weight of both cargo and passengers impacts vehicle operation. For your safety and the safety of
others, carefully consider how your vehicle is loaded and how to safely operate the vehicle. Follow the
instructions in this manual for loading, tire pressure, gear selection and speed.
•Do not exceed vehicle weight capacities. The vehicle’s maximum weight capacity is listed in the
specifications section of this manual and on a label on the vehicle. When more passenger weight is
added, cargo weight may need to be reduced accordingly.
• The recommended tire pressures are listed in the specifications section of this manual and on a label
on the vehicle.
Always follow these guidelines:
Operating a Damaged VehicleOperating a damaged vehicle can result in an accident. After any accident, have a qualified service
dealer inspect the entire machine for possible damage, including (but not limited to) brakes,
accelerator, steering system and electrical system.
Operating at Excessive SpeedsOperating this vehicle at excessive speeds increases the operator's risk of losing control. Always
operate at a speed that's appropriate for the traffic, the visibility and operating conditions, your skills
and your passenger’s skills.
Vehicle RolloverVehicle rollover could cause serious injury or death. Always make sure the seat belts (if equipped) are
secured for operator and passenger before operating. Avoid situations that could result in a rollover.
Avoid sharp turns and abrupt steering maneuvers.
Under ANY of these conditions: Do ALL of these steps:
Passenger and/or cargo exceeds half the maximum weight capacity 1. Slow down.
2. Verify tire pressure.
3. Use extra caution when
Operating in rough terrain
Operating over obstacles
Climbing an incline