Periodic Maintenance Chart

Perform all services at whichever maintenance interval is reached first. Check and lubricate

all components at the intervals outlined in the Periodic Maintenance Chart, or more often

under severe use, such as wet or dusty conditions. Items not listed in the chart should be

lubricated at the general lubrication interval.

ŹPerform these procedures more often for vehicles subjected to severe use.
DHave an authorized GEM dealer perform these services.

Item Maintenance Interval

(whichever comes first) Remarks
Hours Calendar Miles (Km)
Steering -
Inspect and make adjustments as
needed. See Pre-Ride Checklist on
page 26.
Front suspension - -
Rear suspension - -
Tires - -
Brake fluid level - -
Brake pedal travel
Brake system - -
Wheels/fasteners - -
Frame fasteners - -
Batteries - -
Headlamp/tail lamp - Daily - Check operation; apply dielectric
grease if replacing
DBrake pad wear 10 H Monthly - Inspect periodically
Battery terminals 25 H Monthly - Inspect and clean (page 56)
Battery fluid levels 25 H Monthly - Add as needed (page 56)
Battery terminals 25 H Monthly - Inspect; torque to specification
Transaxle shaft nuts 25 H Monthly - Torque bolts to specification (see
service manual)
ŹGeneral lubrication 50 H 3 M - Lubricate all fittings, pivots, cables, etc.
DSteering 50 H 6 M - Lubricate
ŹFront suspension 50 H 6 M - Lubricate
ŹRear suspension 50 H 6 M - Lubricate
ŹWiring 100 H 12 M - Inspect for wear, routing, security; apply
dielectric grease to connectors
subjected to water, mud, etc.
DFront wheel bearings 100 H 12 M - Inspect; replace as needed
DBrake fluid 200 H 24 M - Change every two years
DToe adjustment - Inspect periodically; adjust when parts
are replaced
DHeadlight aim - Adjust as needed