Web Application for Polycom Phones UC Software 5.0.0
Polycom, Inc. 91
case 3:
document.getElementById("eventStuff").innerHTML = "SK 4 was pressed";
document.getElementById("eventValue").innerHTML = skEvent;
// hide the tool bar
function hideSKs(){
// show the tool bar
function showSKs(){
// get the styled points of the SKs so app can add whatever object they
want to that area
// after calling hideToolBar()
function getSKPoints(){
// Returns a JSON object with two properties, X & Y. To convert to JS
object you must
// use the eval function on the JSON object.
var one = PolySoftKey.getSoftkeyPoint(0);
var oneObj = eval('(' + one + ')'); //to help avoid syntax errors, wrap
with '(' ')' chars
var two = PolySoftKey.getSoftkeyPoint(1);
var twoObj = eval('(' + two + ')');
var three = PolySoftKey.getSoftkeyPoint(2);
var threeObj = eval('(' + three + ')');
var four = PolySoftKey.getSoftkeyPoint(3);
var fourObj = eval('(' + four + ')');
document.getElementById("points").innerHTML = oneObj.X + ":" + oneObj.Y
+ "," + twoObj.X + ":" + twoObj.Y + "," + threeObj.X + ":" + threeObj.Y + "," +
fourObj.X + ":" + fourObj.Y;
<body onload="onInit()">
<div id="showButton">
<input type='button' onclick='showSKs()' value='Show Softkeys'/>
<div id="hideButton">
<input type='button' onclick='hideSKs()' value='Hide Softkeys'/>