Poulan 530087857 manual Reduce The Chance Of Kickback, Avoid Pinch---Kickback, Avoid Pull---In

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open flames, or work that could cause sparks. Allow engine to cool before re- fueling.

S Mix and pour fuel in an outdoor area on bare ground; store fuel in a cool, dry, well ventilated place; and use an ap- proved, marked container for all fuel purposes. Wipe up all fuel spills before starting saw.

S Move at least 10 feet (3 meters) from fueling site before starting engine.

S Turn the engine off and let saw cool in a non-combustible area, not on dry leaves, straw, paper, etc. Slowly re- move fuel cap and refuel unit.

S Store the unit and fuel in an area where fuel vapors cannot reach sparks or open flames from water heaters, elec- tric motors or switches, furnaces, etc.


WARNING: Kickback can occur when the moving chain contacts an object at the upper portion of the tip of the guide bar or when the wood closes in and pinches the saw chain in the cut. Contact at the upper portion of the tip of the guide bar can cause the chain to dig into the object, which stops the chain for an instant. The result is a light- ning fast, reverse reaction which kicks the guide bar up and back toward the operator. If the saw chain is pinched along the top of the guide bar, the guide bar can be driven rapidly back toward the operator. Either of these reactions can cause loss of saw con- trol which can result in serious injury. Guard against kickback

Rotational Kickback is the rapid upward and backward motion of the chain saw that can occur when the moving saw chain near the upper portion of the tip of the guide bar contacts an object such as a log or a branch.

Pinch-Kickback and Pull-In occur when the chain is suddenly stopped by being pinched, caught, or by contacting a foreign object in the wood. This sudden stopping of the chain results in a reversal of the chain force used to cut wood and causes the saw to move in the opposite direction of the chain rotation. Pinch-Kickback drives the saw straight back toward the operator. Pull- In pulls the saw away from the operator. Ei- ther reaction can result in loss of control and serious injury.

Avoid Pinch---Kickback:

S Be extremely aware of situations or ob- structions that can cause material to pinch the top of or otherwise stop the chain.

S Do not cut more than one log at a time. S Do not twist the saw as the bar is with- drawn from an undercut when bucking.

Avoid Pull---In:

S Always begin cutting with the engine at full speed and the saw housing against wood.

S Use wedges made of plastic or wood. Never use metal to hold the cut open.

Kickback Path

Avoid Obstructions

Clear The Working Area



S Recognize that kickback can happen. With a basic understanding of kick- back, you can reduce the element of surprise which contributes to acci- dents.

S Never let the moving chain contact any object at the tip of the guide bar.

S Keep the working area free from ob- structions such as other trees, branches, rocks, fences, stumps, etc. Eliminate or avoid any obstruction that your saw chain could hit while you are cutting through a particular log or branch.

S Keep your saw chain sharp and proper- ly tensioned. A loose or dull chain can increase the chance of kickback occur- ring. Follow manufacturer’s chain sharpening and maintenance instruc- tions. Check tension at regular intervals with the engine stopped, never with the engine running. Make sure the bar clamp nuts are securely tightened after tensioning the chain.

S Begin and continue cutting at full speed. If the chain is moving at a slower speed, there is greater chance of kick- back occurring.

S Cut one log at a time.

S Use extreme caution when re-entering a previous cut.

S Do not attempt cuts starting with the tip of the bar (plunge cuts).

S Watch for shifting logs or other forces that could close a cut and pinch or fall into chain.

S Use the Reduced---Kickback Guide Bar and Low---Kickback Chain specified for your saw.


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Poulan 530087857 manual Reduce The Chance Of Kickback, Avoid Pinch---Kickback, Avoid Pull---In