WARNING: When using gardening ap-
pliances,basic safety precautions shouldal- ways befollowedtoreducetherisk offireand
serious injury. Read and follow all instruc- tions.
This power unitcanbe dangerous!Operator is responsible for following instructions and
warnings on unit and in manual. Read entire
Operator’s Manualbeforeusingunit!Bethor- oughly familiar withthecontrols andtheprop-
er use of the unit. Restrict the useof this unit
topersons whoread,understand, andfollow instructions and warnings on unit and in
manual. Never allow children to operatethis unit.
Operator’s Manual
Safety information on the unit
DANGER: Never useblades, wire, or flail- ingdevices.This unitis designedfor linetrim- meruseonly.Useofanyother accessoriesor attachments will increase the risk of injury.
WARNING:Trimmer line throws objects violently. You and others can be blinded/in-
jured.Wearsafetyglassesandlegprotection. Keep body parts clear of rotating line.
Safety Glasses or similar eye protection
Hazard Zone
Boots | 50 ft. |
(15 m) |
Keep children, bystanders, and animals 50
feet(15meters)away.Ifapproachedstopunit immediately.
If situations occur which are not covered in
this manual,usecareandgood judgement.If you need assistance, contact your
Authorized Service Dealer or call
SAlways wear safety eye protection.
S Always wear long pants, long sleeves,
boots, and gloves. Wearing safety leg guards is recommended. Do not go bare-
footor wear sandals.Stay clear ofspinning line.
SSecure hair above shoulder length. Se-
cure or remove loose clothing or clothing with loosely hanging ties, straps, tassels,
etc. They can be caught in moving parts.
SDonotoperatethis unit whenyou aretired, ill, upset, or under theinfluence ofalcohol,
drugs, or medication.
SWear hearingprotectionif youuse this unit for more than
SNever start or run inside a closed roomor building.Breathing exhaustfumes cankill.
SKeep handles free of oil and fuel.
SDisconnectthesparkplugbeforeperform- ingmaintenanceexceptcarburetoradjust- ments.
SLook for and replace damaged or loose parts before eachuse. Look for andrepair fuelleaks beforeuse.Keepingoodworking
S Replace trimmer head parts that are
chipped, cracked, broken, or damaged in any other way before using the unit.
SMake sure unit is assembled correctly as
shown in this manual.
SMake carburetor adjustments with lower endsupportedtopreventlinefromcontact-
ing any object.
SUseonlyrecommendedPoulanraccesso- ries and replacement parts.
SMix and pour fuel outdoors.
SKeep away from sparks or flames. S Use a container approved for fuel.
S Donotsmokeor allowsmokingnear fuelor the unit.
S Wipe up all fuel spills .
S Moveatleast10feet(3meters) away from fueling site before starting engine.
S Stop engine and allow to cool before re- moving fuel cap.
SUseonlyfor trimming,mowing,andsweep- ing.Donotusefor edging,pruningorhedge
objects (rocks, broken glass, nails, wire, etc.) whichcanbethrownbyor becomeen- tangled in line. Hard objects can damage
the trimmer head and be thrown causing serious injury.
SKeepallparts ofyour body away frommuf- fler and spinning line. Keep engine below
waistlevel.Ahotmufflercancauseserious burns.
SCutting on left side of the shield will throw debris away from the operator.