associated withouta chainb rake.When
purchasing replacements, considerations
shouldbe given to the lower CKA values.
Inall cases, lower CKA values represent a
safer operating environment for the user.
STipcontact in some cases may cause
alightning fast REACTION, kicking the
guidebar u p and back toward the op-
SPinching the saw chain along the tip of
the guide bar may push the guide bar
rapidlyback towards the operator.
SEitherof these reactions may cause you
tolose control of thesaw which could re-
sult in seriousinjury. Donot rely exclu-
sively upon safety devic es built into your
The following guidebar and chain com-
binations meet kickback requirements of
CSA Z62.1 & Z62.3 and ANSI B175.1
when used on saws listed inthis manual.
Use of bar and chain combinations other
thanthose listed is not recommended and
may not meet the CKA requirements per
Computedkickback angle (CKA) Table
PP400E 30_
CKA without
chain brake
952044418 952051338
SAFETY NOTICE: Exposure to vibra-
tions through prolonged use of hand
toolscould cause blood vessel or nerve
damagein the fingers, hands, and joints
of peopleprone to circulation disorders
or abnormal swelling.Prolonged use in
cold weather has been linked to blood
vessel damage in otherwise healthy
people. If symptoms occur such as
numbness, pain, loss of strength,
changein skin color or texture, or loss of
feeling in the fingers, hands, orjoints,
discontinuethe use of this tool and seek
medicalattention. An anti-vibration sys-
tem does not guarantee the avoidance
of these problems. Users who operate
power tools on a continualand regular
basismust closely monitortheir physical
conditionand the condition of this tool.
Thisunit is double insulated to help pro-
tect against electric shock. Double in-
sulation construction consists of two
separate“layers” of electrical insulation
insteadof grounding.
Toolsbuiltwith this insulationsystem are
not intended to be grounded. No
grounding means is provided on this
unit, nor should a means of grounding
be added to thisunit.
Safety precautions must be observed
when operating any electricaltool. The
double insulationsystem only provides
addedprotection against injuryresulting
froman internal electricalinsulation
WARNING : Allelectrical repairs to
this unit,including housing, switch, motor,
etc., must be diagnosed and repaired by
qualifiedservice personnel. Replacement
parts for a double ins ulated appliance
mustbe identicalto the parts they replace.
A double insulated appliance is marked
with the words “double insulation” or
“double insulated”. The symbol
(square within a square) may also be
marked on the appliance.Failure to have
the unit repaired by authorized service
personnel can cause the double insula-
tion construction to bec ome ineffective
and result in serious inju ry.
STANDARDS: Thisproduct is listed by
UnderwritersLaboratories,Inc. in accor-
dance withUL Standard 1662 and CSA
Standards Z62.1 and Z62.3 and ANSI
ANSI B175.1--2000 “American National
Standardfor Powered Tools --Safety Re-
CSA Z62.3 “Chain Saw Kickback Occu-
pational Health and Safety”
CSA Z62.1 “Chain Saws -- Occupational
Health and Safety”