SUseonly .080” (2mm) diameter WeedEat-

erRbrandline.Never usewire,rope,string, etc.

SInstallrequiredshieldproperly beforeusing

the unit. Use the metal shield for all metal blade use. Use the plastic shieldfor allline

trimmer use.

SUse only specified blade or trimmer head; make sure it is properly installed and se-

curely fastened.

SNever start engine with clutch shroud re- moved.Theclutchcanfly offandcausese-

rious injury.

SBesurebladeor trimmerheadstopsturning

when engine idles.

SDisconnectthesparkplugbeforeperform- ingmaintenance(exceptcarburetoradjust-


SMakecarburetor adjustmentswiththelow- er end supported to prevent blade or trim-

mer line from contacting any object. Hold unitby hand; donot usethe shoulder strap

for support.

SKeepothersawaywhenmakingcarburetor adjustments.

SUse only recommended Weed Eater ac- cessories and replacement parts.

SHave all maintenance and service notex-

plainedinthismanualperformedbyyourAu- thorized Service Dealer.


SMix and pour fuel outdoors.

SKeep away from sparks or flames. S Use a container approved for fuel.

S Donotsmokeor allowsmokingnear fuelor the unit or while using the unit.

S Wipeupallfuelspillsbeforestartingengine. S Moveatleast10feet(3meters)awayfromfu-

eling site before starting engine.

S Stop engine and allow it to cool before re- moving fuel cap.

S Empty the fueltank beforestoring theunit. Useupfuelleftinthecarburetor by starting the engine and letting it run until it stops.

S Storeunitandfuelinareawherefuelvapors cannot reach sparks or open flames from waterheaters,electricmotors orswitches, furnaces, etc.


SInspecttheareatobecutbefore eachuse. Remove objects (rocks, broken glass, nails,wire,string,etc.) whichcanbethrown

or become entangled in the blade or trim- mer head.


standers,andhelpersatleast50feet(15me- ters)away.Stopengineimmediatelyifyouare


SAlways keepengineontheright- handside of your body.

SHold the unit firmly with both hands.

SKeepfirmfootingandbalance.Donotover- reach.

SKeep blade or trimmer head below waist


SDo not raise engine above your waist.

S Keep all parts of your body away from blade,trimmer head, andmuffler whenen-

gine is running.

SCut from your right to your left.

SUse only for jobs explainedin this manual.


SStop the unit before carrying.

SKeep muffler away from your body.

SAllowtheenginetocoolandsecure theunit beforestoringor transportingitinavehicle.

SEmpty thefueltank beforestoringor trans-

portingtheunit.Useupfuelleftinthecarbu- retor by startingtheengineandletting itrun

until it stops.

SStoreunitandfuelinan areawhere fuelva- pors cannot reach sparks or openflames

from water heaters, electric motors or switches, furnaces, etc.

SStoreunitso theblade or line limiter cannot

accidentally cause injury. The unit can be hung by the tube.

SStore unit out of reach of children. SPECIAL NOTICE: Exposure to vibra- tions throughprolongeduseofgasolinepow-

ered hand tools could causeblood vesselor nerve damage in the fingers, hands, and joints ofpeoplepronetocirculationdisorders

or abnormalswellings.Prolongeduse incold weatherhas beenlinkedtobloodvesseldam-

ageinotherwisehealthypeople.Ifsymptoms occur such as numbness, pain, loss of strength, change in skin color or texture, or

loss of feeling in the fingers,hands, or joints, discontinuetheuseofthis toolandseekmed- ical attention. An anti-vibration systemdoes

not guarantee the avoidance of these prob- lems. Users who operate power tools on a

continual and regular basis must monitor closely theirphysicalconditionandthecondi- tion of this tool.

SPECIAL NOTICE: This unit is not equipped with a temperature limiting muffler andspark arresting screenwhich meets the

requirements of California Codes 4442 and 4443. All U.S. forest land and the states of California, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, New

Jersey,Oregon, andWashington requireby lawthatmany internalcombustionenginesto be equipped with a spark arrestor screen.If

you operate in a locale where such regula- tions exist, you are legally responsible for

installing and maintaining the operatingcon- ditionoftheseparts.Failuretodosois aviola- tion of the law.


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Image 3
Poulan BC2400 operating instructions Fuel Safety, Cutting Safety, Transporting and Storage