substantial amount of chips and dust that the
Parallelogram Tables
For a jointer to straighten wood accurately the infeed and outfeed tables must be coplanar - perfectly aligned with each other
Each corner of the infeed and outfeed
tables has an adjustable cam for
correcting coplanar misalignments. The
outboard cams on the front of the machine are under the height levers.
The mechanism that moves the tables up and down also keeps them close to the cutterhead throughout their range of travel. Keeping the tables close to the cutterhead produces cleaner, more accurate cuts and a superior finish on the wood.
Table Heights
Both tables use levers to adjust their heights. The infeed table lever is augmented by an automatic depth limiter that can be released for deep cuts with the twist of a small knob.
The outfeed table is fitted with limiting stops that control the full up and full down travel. A lever moves the outfeed table up and down and another lever locks it in place. Rabbets up to ½” by ½” can be cut on the
The infeed table also has an easy to use lever for locking it in position. However, a much longer lever makes adjusting the height of the massive table to set cut depth (up to
A handy depth stop knob automatically limits cut depth to 1/8”. To increase cut depth simply pull that knob out, rotate it