F e a t u r e s
Fully regulated adaptive MosFET power supply Balanced
High Voltage Input Capability with Input Attenuation Switch Gold Plated RCA Input connectors
Mixed Mono/Stereo Operation
Three Year Warranty when installed by an Authorized TD dealer Completely Designed and Handcrafted in the USA
S p e c i f i c a t i o n s
Power Bandwidth: | 5 Hz |
Total Harmonic Distortion: | 0.2% or less |
Input Topology: | Balanced Differential |
Input Sensitivity: | 500mV - 12 volts RMS |
Input Impedance: | 10K Ohms |
Output Impedance: | 2 - 16 Ohms, bridged 4 - 32 Ohms |
C o n t i n u o u s O u t p u t P o w e r
50WRMS x 4 @ 4 Ohms per channel
100WRMS x 4 @ 2 Ohms per channel
200WRMS x 2 @ 4 Ohms bridged
TD 4100
100 WRMS x 4 @ 4 Ohms per channel
200 WRMS x 4 @ 2 Ohms per channel
400 WRMS x 2 @ 4 Ohms bridged
D i m e n s i o n s
TD450 | TD4100 | |
Length = 21.25 | Length = 24” | |
Height = 3.2” | Height = 3.2” | |
Width = 9.25” | Width = 9.25” | |
| 1 |
| |