2 Basic Operation Instructions
Synergy TRU-Balance Power Recline www.quantumrehab.com
Read and follow the information in the owner’s manual.
Avoid exposure to rain, snow, ice, salt, or standing water
whenever possible. Maintain and store in a clean and dry
Pinch/Crush points created during assembly.
EMI-RFI - Passed EMI-RFI 20 V/m
Copyright © 2006
Pride Mobility Products Corporation
INFMANU2396/Rev B/April 06
The symbols below are used throughout this owner's manual and on the power
chair to identify warnings and important information. It is very important for you to
read them and understand them completely.
WARNING! Failure to follow designated procedures can cause
either personal injury, component damage, or malfunction
(black symbol on yellow triangle with black border).
MANDATORY! These actions should be performed as
specified. Failure to perform mandatory actions can cause
injury to personnel and/or damage to equipment (white
symbol on blue dot with white border).
PROHIBITED! These actions are prohibited. These actions
should not be performed at any time or in any circumstances.
Performing a prohibited action can cause injury to personnel
and/or damage to equipment (black symbol with red circle
and red slash).