UserInstructionsfor theP-500
1 . Donotallowanyliquidto be nearthemachineor spilledon anyelectricalpart.Donotinsertany foreignobjectintotheelectricalboxor attemptto openit.
2 . lf youhaveanyquestionsor needhelpreferto ourwebsiteat wwwDrosDotfitness..com
3Connectthe powersupplyto a standard110volt householdcurrentlt. is recommendedthat surgeprotectionis usedto helpprotectandextendthe lifeof the ElectronicBoxof the unitfrom powersurgesand lightingstrikesA. flashinggreenlightwillappearon the ElectronicBoxwhen powerison.
5 . Assumea normalstartingpositionforyourdesiredfreeweightexercise.
6 . Rotatethe barbellso that the TouchSensorStripembeddedin the barbellis touchingyour
fingertipslt.is necessaryto maintainskincontactwiththetouchsensorstripthroughoutyourfree | |||||
you | grasped | you | 'click' | ||
weightexerciseOnce. | have | theTouchSensorStrip, willheara soft | anda | ||
| greenpower |
| |
solidredlightwillappearontheElectronicBoxinadditiontotheflashing | light. |
7 . Whilestillgraspingthe barbell,liftit a minimumof %",usingan evenupwardliftingmotionon bothsidesof barbellThis.upwardmovementwilldisengagethe lockingmechanismlf.youhave performedthisstepcorrectly,the barbellwill nowbe underyourcontrol,the cableswill move freelyoverthepulleysandtheSliderKnuckleswillslidesmoothlyup anddowntheGuidePosts. Youcannowsafelyperformanyfreeweightexercisewithoutthe needof a spotter.SimplyGrab andGorM!
8 . RemovefingertipsfromtheTouchSensorStripto lockthebarbellin place.
Alwaysmaintaincontrolof movementof the barbellDo. notallowbarbellor dumbbellsto swing againstmachineframe,asthismaycausedamageto thefinishDo.notattemptto throwor slam the barbellattachedto the cables,as this may resultin damageto the lockingmechanism. Intentionalmisuseof
1 0 . Onceyou are familiarwiththe Graband GorMsystem,positionbarbellin the properstarting positionforyourdesiredexercise
' t 1 .plates.
Makecertainthebarbellis levelbeforeloadingweight Levelthebarbellby raisingupone endof
1 2 .Secureallweightplateswitha springclipor lockingcollarY,,'r.re nowreadyto beginyourfree weightexerciseroutine.
'13. | yo | 'r | i | i | ,ver |
| ||
| safelvha, |
| DUtmore than 750 lbs on | |||
Neverattemptto Iiftmoreweightsthan |
| |||||
theBarbell. |
| |
plates | jrbell, |
| , |
| ||
mak€ l | i | barbellisina levelposition. | ||||||
1 4 . Beforeremovingweight | fromweighte. |
1 5 . Insertweightselector intothe weightstackto add ',i , e for usewiththe
t o . To performcableexerciseson
1 7 .
' 1 8 . | pulling | ||
AdjustVKR& | theselector | andthentightenknob. |