4–Fibre Alliance MIB Objects
Connectivity Unit Group
4-4 59047-10 D
Connectivity Unit Group
The objects described in this section are not in a table format. An example of how
to access one of these objects is:
"snmpget localhost public fcmgmt.connSet.uNumber.0".

uNumber (

The number of connectivity units present on this system (represented by this
agent). May be a count of the boards in a chassis or the number of full boxes in a
Access read-only
Status mandatory
Return Value The number of switches in fabric.

systemURL (

The top-level URL of the system. If it does not exist, the value is an empty string.
The URL format is implementation dependant and can have keywords embedded
that are preceded by a percent sign (for example, %USER).
Syntax DisplayString
Access read-write
Status mandatory
Return Value The switch IP address. For example, Writes not supported,
returns 'NoSuchName".