6–QLOGIC MIB Objects
Related Traps
59047-10 D 6-3
Related Traps
The following traps contain the trap information being sent from the agent to the
qlSB2PortLinkDown (qLogicExperimental 0 10)
A linkDown trap signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has
detected that the fcQxPortPhysOperStatus object for one of its communication
links has left the online state and transitioned to some other state. The current
state is indicated by the included value of fcQxPortPhysOperStatus.
Vari abl es:
{ fcQxPortPhysAdminStatus, fcQxPortPhysOperStatus }
qlSB2PortLinkUp (qLogicExperimental 0 11)
A linkUp trap signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected
that the fcQxPortPhysOperStatus object for one of its communication links has
entered the online state from some other state. The current state is indicated by
the included value of fcQxPortPhysOperStatus.
Vari abl es:
{ fcQxPortPhysAdminStatus, fcQxPortPhysOperStatus }
qlconnUnitAddedTrap (qLogicExperimental 0 12)
A connUnit has been added to this agent.
Vari abl es:
{ connUnitId }

Table 6-3. fcFxPortPHysOperStatus Return Values

Status Return Value
Online online (1)
Offline offline (2)
Diagnostic testing (3)
Down linkfailure (4)