4–Fibre Alliance MIB Objects
Simple Name Server Table
4-80 59047-10 D
Simple Name Server Table
The objects described in this section are in a table format indexed by World Wide
Name and Index. The index represents the table index. An example of how to
access one of these objects given a WWN of 100000c0dd0090a7 is:
"snmpget localhost public
The Fibre Channel Simple Name Server table contains an entry for each device
presently known to this connUnit. There will not be any version on this since
FC-GS3 does not define a version today.
This table is accessed either directly if the management software has an index
value or using GetNexts. The value of the indexes are not required to be
contiguous. Each entry created in this table will be assigned an index. This
relationship is kept persistent until the entry is removed from the table or the
system is reset. The total number of entries are defined by the size of the table.

connUnitSnsMaxEntry (

The current number of entries in the table.
Status mandatory
Return Value Returns the number of entries registered in the Simple Name Server for all