5–Fabric Element MIB Objects
fcFxPortClass3SeqDeliv (
59047-10 D 5-11

fcFxPortClass3SeqDeliv (

A flag indicating whether or not Class 3 Sequential Delivery is supported by the
Syntax TruthValue
Access read-only
Status current
Return Value Always returns True (1).

fcFxPortHoldTime (

The maximum time, in microseconds, that the FxPort shall hold a frame before
discarding the frame if it is unable to deliver the frame. The value 0 means that the
FxPort does not support this parameter.
Syntax MicroSeconds
Access read-only
Status current
Return Value The default ED_TOV parameter is: 2000 (0x7D0).
The Status Group
The objects described in this section are in table format indexed by switch index
and port index. An example of how to access one of these objects is: "snmpget
localhost public fcFxPortId.1.1". This group consists of tables that contain
operational status and established service parameters for the Fabric Element and
the attached NxPorts.
This group consists of tables that contains operational status and established
service parameters for the Fabric Element and the attached NxPorts. This table
contains one entry for each FxPort, and the operational status and parameters of
the FxPorts.