2–Configuring NIC
NIC TroubleShooting/Diagnostics
2-76 SN0054671-00 B
Link Test verifies that the port is linked, meaning that the port has a good
cable attached to the port and that other end of the cable is connected to an
operational Ethernet port, either another NIC port or a network device, such
as a switch.
Register Test verifies the NIC register read and write.
Linux Diagnostic Test Messages
Test information and PASS or FAIL messages are displayed for each of the tests
listed in “Linux Diagnostic Test Descriptions” on page2-75.
QLogic Device Windows Property Page DiagnosticsThis section covers the following information for user diagnostics for Windows NIC
driver management applications:
“Running Windows User Diagnostics” on page 2-76
“Windows Diagnostic Test Descriptions” on page2-81
“Windows Diagnostic Test Messages” on page2-83
Running Windows User Diagnostics
You can run user diagnostics using either the QConvergeConsole GUI or the CLI.
To run user diagnostics in the GUI:
1. Access the Windows Control Panel, and then open the Device Manager.
2. In the Device Manager, right-click the QLogic 10Gb Ethernet adapter, and
then on the shortcut menu, click Properties.
Information on installing and starting the GUI version of QLogic's
QConvergeConsole utility is provided in the QConvergeConsole User's
Guide. All procedural information for that utility is covered in the
QConvergeConsole Help System.