SN0054671-00 B Index-3
User’s Guide Converged Network Adapters and Intelligent Ethernet Adapters
8200 and 3200 Series
function numbers 2-40
function, NPAR PCI function number 2-55
Hhardware test 2-75, 2-81, 2-82, 2-83
Health Monitoring parameter 2-10
help commands for NIC diagnostics in QCC
CLI 2-79
host server 2-51, 2-55
humidity specifications 1-4
drivers for QLogic Adapters xxv
NIC in VMware ESX 2-1
QLflash 1-15
QLogic Adapter CIM Provider 1-12
QLogic Adapter vCenter Plug-in on Tomcat
Server 1-19
QLogic Adapters xxiii
Tomcat on Linux 1-17
Tomcat on Windows 1-18
Intelligent Ethernet Adapter 1-1
internal loopback test 2-75, 2-81
Internet protocol, See IP
internet small computer system interface, See
management features 1-2
Moderation parameter 2-10
test 2-75, 2-81, 2-82
IP, definition of Glossary-2
IPv4 Checksum Offload parameter 2-10
definition of Glossary-2
DHCP boot options, configuring with QCC
CLI 3-8
name server iSNS 3-6
troubleshooting 3-9, 3-10
iSCSI boot
settings, configuring 3-7
setup using QCC CLI 3-8
setup using QCC GUI 3-9
iSCSI function
boot from SAN, configuring to 3-6
configuring 3-3
diagnostics 3-9
Linux, installing in 3-1
QCC CLI, configuring with 3-3
QCC GUI, configuring with 3-3
VMware, installing in 3-2
Windows, installing in 3-2
iSCSI initiator
Linux, configuring in 3-3
VMware, configuring in 3-6
Windows, configuring in 3-4
Kknowledge database xviii
8200 Series Adapters, enabling on 2-35
configurations (invalid) 2-37
configurations (valid) 2-36
LAN, definition of Glossary-2
Receive Offload parameter 2-10
Send Offload V1 IP4 parameter 2-10
Send Offload V2 IP4 parameter 2-11
Send Offload V2 IP6 parameter 2-11
LEDs A-1
license agreements xvii
aggregation control protocol, See LACP
aggregation mode 2-17
test 2-76, 2-81, 2-82