User’s Guide—Converged Network Adapters and Intelligent Ethernet Adapters
8200 and 3200 Series
Index-2 SN0054671-00 B
defaults, NPAR 2-69
defaults, NPAR configuration 2-41
Device Manager 2-9
device, definition of Glossary-2
ethtool 2-75
FCoE function 4-5
iSCSI function 3-9
Linux text messages 2-76
NIC, running in Linux 2-74
QCC CLI 2-86
QCC GUI 2-86
QLogic Device Windows Property Page 2-76
Windows QCC CLI diagnostic test
commands 2-79
Windows test messages 2-83
DLA 2-18
documentation, related xvi
downloading QLogic drivers, management
tools, multi-boot image, instructions,
documentation xxvi
definition of Glossary-2
NPAR, used with 2-39
parameters, configuring with QCC CLI 4-4
parameters, configuring with QCC GUI 4-4
QLogic Adapter, installing xxv
software parameters, configuring 2-6
host configuration protocol, See DHCP
link aggregation mode 2-18
link aggregation, See DLA
EEMC xix
EMI xix
Ethernet functions 1-2
Ethernet, definition of Glossary-2
transition selection, See ETS
environmental specifications 1-4
ESD rules xxiii
eSwitch, definition of 2-43
eSwitch, statistics in Windows Device
Manager 2-67
ESX/ESXi server 1-11
ESX/ESXi, installing NIC function on 2-1
esxupdate command 1-12, 1-13
definition of Glossary-2
frames 2-43
functions 1-2
ethtool diagnostics 2-75
ethtool utility, described 2-7
ETS 2-42, 2-66
external loopback test 2-81
Ffailover path, definition of Glossary-2
failsafe mode 2-16
failsafe team 2-32
Fast!UTIL, definition of Glossary-2
Fast!UTIL, iSCSI boot setup, configuring with
definition of Glossary-2
diagnostics 4-5
Linux, installing in 4-1
troubleshooting 4-6
VMware, installing in 4-2
Windows, installing in 4-2
FDA notice xix
interrupt management 1-2
QLogic Adapters 1-1
scalability 1-2
Fibre Channel over Ethernet, See FCoE
Fibre Channel, definition of Glossary-2
definition of Glossary-2
test 2-75, 2-81
updating 1-16
Flow Control parameter 2-10