Grill Removal
If it is necessary to remove the protective grill, do so with care as to avoid bending or distorting the grill. The grill is held in place by two retaining screws, one at the front edge of the top of the cabinet and one at the front edge of the bottom.
Removing the Grill
1- Using a #2
2- Carefully pry the grill from its retaining groove using a plastic
Coverage Angles
Before mounting the loudspeaker, determine the mounting orientation and desired coverage angles. As supplied from the factory, the loudspeaker’s coverage angles are 90° (horizontal) x 60° (vertical) with the cabinet oriented vertically. The waveguide can be rotated to interchange the coverage angles.
Rotating the Waveguide to Alter HF Coverage Pattern
1- Remove the grill as outlined, above.
2- Remove the eight waveguide retaining screws. A
3- Reach into the waveguide’s port and pull gently to remove the waveguide. Be careful not to damage the connections, wiring, or the gasket between the waveguide and the cabinet.
4- Rotate the horn 90° clockwise or counter clockwise and set it back in place. Make certain the wiring is not stressed or pulled loose from its connections.
5- Before reinstalling the waveguide screws, lift the assembly a small distance and make sure that the gasket is properly in place. Reposition it, if required. Set the waveguide in place and reinstall the screws. Do not overtighten.
6- Replace the grill and install the upper and lower grill retaining screws.