TroubleshootingThis chapter provides suggestions for troubleshooting your drives in the unlikely event you encounter
a problem with them.
Topics in this chapter are:
•“Missing or Damaged Parts” on page 49
•“SCSI ID Problems” on page 50
•“SCSI Termination Problems” on page50
•“Mounting Hardware Problems” on page 50
•“Drive Does Not Work” on page50
•“Power-On Self-Test Fails” on page51
•“Computer Does Not Boot” on page 51
•“Computer Does Not Recognize Drive” on page 51
•“Backup Program Does Not Recognize Drive” on page 52
•“Write Error” on page 52
•“Hardware Error” on page 52
Missing or Damaged PartsIf any of the contents included with your DDS-4 or DAT 72 drive are missing or damaged, contact
your place of purchase immediately.