Loading Revised Firmware
Your DDS-4 or DAT 72 tape drive includes permanently installed, electrically upgradeable flash
memory. This memory allows qualified OEMs to revise DAT 72 and DDS-4 SCSI firmware quickly
and easily. It also prolongs the life of the tape drive by allowing the drive to inherit leading technol-
ogies as soon as those technologies become available.
This appendix describes how to load firmware onto your tape drive. Topics in this appendix are:
•“Firmware Upgrade Methods” on page 53
•“Using Firmware Cartridges” on page 54
Firmware Upgrade Methods
You can upgrade your tape drive’s firmware two ways:
•Using the diagnostic software provided on your Tape Resource CD or available at
http://support.certance.com. This software uploads a firmware file via SCSI from your host
computer to the tape drive.
•Using Seagate OEM firmware cartridges