The consumer has a significan t role to play in
reducing the impact of waste elec trical and elec-
tronic equipment on the environ ment, through
re-using or recycling such e quipment.
The crossed out wheelie- bin symbol on this
product is to remind you that Waste Elec trical
and Electronic products sho uld not be disposed
of with household waste. If you are unab le to
re-use or recycle your produc t it should be dis-
posed of at a civic amenity site.
While Radica toys comply with all rel evant
safety standards, we are obli ged to tell you that
some of the components used in el ectrical and
electronic equipment may co ntain hazardous
substances that can damage t he environment
and present a risk to human healt h if not prop-
erly disposed of.
(This product war ranty is valid in t he United
States and Canada on ly)
Radica Games Limited warran ts this product for
a period of 90 days from the origina l purchase
date under normal use against d efective work-
manship and materials (bat teries excluded).
This warranty does not cover dam age resulting
from accident, unreasonab le use, negligence,
improper service or other c auses not arising out
of defects in material or workman ship. Radica
Games Limited will not be liable fo r any costs in-
curred due to loss of use of this prod uct or other
incidental or consequenti al costs, expenses
or damages incurred by the purc haser. Some
states do not allow the exclusion or limi tation
of incidental or consequent ial damages, so the
above limitations may not apply to you. Thi s
warranty gives you specific le gal rights and you
may also have other legal rights, whi ch vary from
state to state.
During this 90-day warran ty period, the game
will either be repaired or repl aced (at our option)
without charge to the purchase r when returned
prepaid with proof of date of purcha se to:
Radica USA, Ltd., 13628-A Beta Road, Dalla s,
Texas 75244, USA. Please remove the batter-
ies and wrap the unit carefully b efore shipping.
Please include a brief descri ption of the problem
along with your return address a nd mail it post-
age prepaid.
IMPORTANT: Before returning the unit f or
repair, test it with fresh alkaline bat teries. Even
new batteries may be defective or wea k and low
battery power is a frequent ca use of unsatisfac-
tory operation.
• Be s ure you insert th e battery corr ectly
and always follow the dev ice and batter y
manufacturer’s i nstructions.
• Do n ot dispose of batt eries in fire.
• Ba tteries might l eak if improperl y installed,
or explode if rechar ged, disassemb led or
• So metimes, a build -up of static elec tricity
(from carpets, et c) may cause the ga me to
stop working. Just re set the game, and it
will work again.
• In a n environment wi th radio frequen cy
interference, t he product may malf unction
and require user to re set the product .
• Ha ndle this device carefully.
• Sto re this device away from dusty or di rty
• Kee p this device away from moisture or ex-
treme temperature.
• Do n ot disassemble this devic e. If a problem
occurs, press the Reset but ton, or remove and
replace the batteries to reset t he device, or try
new batteries. If problems pe rsist, consult the
warranty information loca ted at the end of this
instruction manual.
• Use o nly the recommended bat tery type.
• Do n ot mix old and new batteries.
• Do n ot mix alkaline, standard ( carbon-zinc) or
rechargeable (nickel- cadmium) batteries .
• Do n ot use rechargeable bat teries.
• Do n ot attempt to recharge non- rechargeable
• Re move any exhausted batteries f rom the
• Do n ot short-circuit the supp ly terminals.
• Ins ert batteries with the c orrect polarity.
Please retain this f or future refere nce.
This device complies with Par t 15 of the FCC
Rules. Operation is subjec t to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may not c ause harm-
ful interference and (2 ) this device must accept
any interference received, i ncluding interferenc e
that may cause undesired oper ation.
WARNING: Changes or mo difications to this
unit not expressly approved by the pa rty re-
sponsible for compliance co uld void the user’s
authority to operate the equip ment.
NOTE: This equipment ha s been tested and
found to comply with the limits for a Clas s B
digital device, pursuant to Par t 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are desi gned to provide
reasonable protection agai nst harmful interfer-
ence in a residential install ation. This equipment
generates, uses and can radi ate radio frequency
energy and if not installed an d used in accord-
ance with the instructions, may c ause harmful
interference to radio commun ications. However,
there is no guarantee that inter ference will not
occur in a particular insta llation. If this equip-
ment does cause harmful inter ference to radio
or television reception, which c an be determined
by turning the equipment off and o n, the user is
encouraged to try to correc t the interference by
one or more of the following measure s:
• Re orient or relocate the rece iving antenna.
• Inc rease the separation bet ween the equip-
ment and receiver.
• Co nnect the equipment into an ou tlet on a
circuit different from that to wh ich the receiver
is connected.
• Co nsult the dealer or an exper ienced radio TV
technician for help.
Distributed by:
13628-A Beta Road
Dallas, TX 75244-4510
Play on-line at Marketed under
license from, Inc. All rights reserved.
None of the persons, places, bands, teams, events or other
answers have sponsored or endorsed this game in any way.