When you or one of your opponents play s their
last card, the hand is over. Whoever won the
round is then awarded points bas ed on the
cards left in the remaining p layers’ hands (see
If the last card played in a hand is a Dr aw Two or
a Wild Draw Four card, the next player m ust draw
the 2 or 4 cards respectively. Thes e cards are
counted when the points are total ed.
If no player is out of cards by the time the DR AW
pile is depleted, the deck is res huffled and play
Rounds of play continue until one pl ayer has
a score of 500 points, and then he /she is the
The first player to get rid of his/ her cards receives
points for cards left in the opp onents’ hands as
All number cards ( 0-9) ………….. .Face Value
Draw Two …………………………20 Points
Reverse ……………………………20 Point s
Skip ……………………………….20 Points
Wild ………………………………50 Points
Wild Draw Four …………………..50 P oints



The functions of the action car ds, and when they
may be played, are defined below.
DRAW TWO CARD – When this card is p layed,
the next player must draw 2 cards an d miss
his/her turn. This card c an only be played on
matching colors and other Dr aw Two cards. If
turned up at the beginning of play, the sta rting
player must draw 2 cards.
REVERSE CARD – This simpl y reverses direction
of play, changing from clockwise to co unter-
clockwise, or vice versa. T his card may only be
played on a matching color or on anoth er Reverse
card. If this card is turned up at th e beginning
of play, the dealer goes first, then play m oves
counter-clockwise instead of c lockwise. If used in
a two-player match, it will act the sa me as a Skip
card, and it will be the same player’s tur n again.
SKIP CARD – The next player to play af ter this
card has been laid loses his /her turn and is
“skipped.” The card may only be played o n a
matching color or on another Sk ip card. If a Skip
card is turned up at the beginnin g of play, the
starting player is “skippe d,” hence the player to
the left of that player commence s play.
UNO®! Test your UNO® skills like never b efore
with an electronic handhel d version of the
classic card game! The a mazing Thiniant™ color
screen technology will make you c ome back for
more as you battle against 1, 2, or even 3 vir tual
opponents. The first player to sc ore 500 points
wins the game! So, score big po ints as you get
rid of all your cards and leave your opp onent with
a full hand....
NOTE: When you first p urchase your gam e,
it will be in demo mode. To exit de mo mode,
press the RESET but ton located on the b ack
of the housing.


ENTER/PLAY – Press this bu tton to turn the
unit ON. This button will allow you to pl ay the
currently highlighted card w hich will be moved to
the DISCARD pile. Also use this bu tton to enter
selections during initial g ame set-up.
SCROLL LEFT – Press this but ton to “scroll left”
through your cards. Also use th is button to toggle
between the number of players a nd levels of
difficulty during game se t-up.
SCROLL RIGHT – Press this but ton to “scroll
right” through your cards. A lso use this button to
toggle between the number of playe rs and levels
of difficulty during game se t-up.
SOUND/NEW GAME – Pre ss this button to
turn the SOUND on/off. Also p ress and hold this
button for 2 seconds to start a n ew game.
DRAW/HI-SCORE – Pre ss this button to draw a
card from the DRAW pile. Also pre ss and hold
this button for 2 seconds to view the H I-SCORE.


For 1 player / Ages 7 and up

P/N 823B3300 Rev.B
EUNO® – Press this button to turn th e unit ON.
Press this button to say “UNO! ” Also press this
button to call “UNO!” on a n opponent.


The object of UNO® is to get rid of all th e cards in
your hand before your opponent (s). Your score is
based on the cards left in your o pponents’ hands
when you discard your final card ( See SCORING).
The first thing to do is to select the nu mber of
players that you want to play with. You can selec t
2, 3, or 4 players. Use the SCROLL LEFT an d
SCROLL RIGHT buttons to toggle to the d esired
number of players and then pres s ENTER to lock
in your selection.
After selecting the number of p layers, you must
next select the level of difficul ty. There are two
levels of difficulty to select f rom before you begin
a game: level I (EASY) and level II (HARD). Use
to toggle to the desired skill level and t hen press
ENTER to lock in your selection.
Each player begins the game with 7 c ards. The
remainder of the deck is turne d face down as the
DRAW pile, and the top card from the DR AW pile
is turned face up to begin the DISCAR D pile. If
an Action Card is the first one turn ed up from the
DRAW pile, certain rules a pply (See FUNCTIONS
When it is your turn (when your playe r indicator
is flashing through the diffe rent colors) to play a
card, the card you play must match the to p card
on the DISCARD pile, either by numbe r, color, or
For example, if the top card is a red 7, you could
put down a red card or a 7 card of any colo r.
Alternatively, you could put down a Wild ca rd or
a Wild +4 card (See FUNCTIO NS OF ACTION
If you don’t have a card to match the one on the
DISCARD pile, and you have no Wild or Wild
+4 cards to play, you must take a card from
the DRAW pile. If the card you pick up ca n be
played, you are free to put it down immed iately.
Otherwise, it will be the next o pponent’s turn.
You may choose not to play a playable card from
your hand. If so, you must draw a card from t he
DRAW pile. If playable, that card ca n be put
down in the same turn, but you may not use a ny
other card from your hand after t he draw. If the
card that you just drew is playable, yet yo u do not
want to play it, simply wait for a few secon ds and
play will continue with the next opp onent’s turn.
When you have only one card left, you m ust call
“UNO!” (by pressi ng the UNO® button). You can
either call “UNO!” ju st prior to playing your 2nd to
last card (if this card is in the h ighlight position)
or immediately after playing yo ur 2nd to last card.
Failure to call “UNO!” will a llow your opponents
to call “UNO!” first. If an o pponent calls “UNO !”
before you do, the unit will automatica lly pick up 2
cards from the DRAW pile for your ha nd.
Your opponents must also call “UNO !” when they
have only 1 card left, so pay attenti on! If you call
“UNO!” on an opponent w ith only 1 card left,
before they call “UNO!” t hemselves, then they will
be forced to pick up 2 cards from the D RAW pile.