and on, the user is encourage d to try to correct
the interference by one or more of t he following
• R eorient or relocate the re ceiving antenna.
• I ncrease the separatio n between the equipment
and receiver.
• C onnect the equipment in to an outlet on a
circuit different from tha t to which the receiver is
• C onsult the dealer or an expe rienced radio / TV
technician for help.
Keep these instruc tions for future r eference as
they contain impor tant informat ion.
Protect the environment by not disp os-
ing of this product with househ old waste
(2002/96/EC ). Check your local auth ority
for recycling advice and facilit ies.
(This product warrant y is valid in the Un ited States a nd Canada only)
Radica Games Limited warrant s this product fo r a period of 6 months f rom
the original purchase date under n ormal use against d efective workm anship
and materials (batteries e xcluded). Thi s warranty doe s not cover damage
resulting from accident, unre asonable use, neg ligence, improper s ervice or
other causes not arising out of de fects in materia l or workmanship. R adica
Games Limited will not be liable for a ny costs incurre d due to loss of use of
this product or other incident al or consequent ial costs, expen ses or damages
incurred by the purchaser. Some st ates do not allow the exc lusion or limitat ion
of incidental or consequentia l damages, so the ab ove limitations may n ot apply
to you. This warranty gives you s pecific legal righ ts and you may also have
other legal rights, which var y from state to st ate.
In the event of a defect covered unde r this warranty, fir st call the toll-f ree
number listed below. Many problems c an be solved in this man ner. If neces-
sary, you will be instructed to re turn the product , postage prepa id and insured,
to the address below. Enclose your n ame, address, date d sales receipt, a nd
a brief explanation of the defec t. Replacement, a nd return shipmen t, will be
free of charge.
TOLL-FREE NUMBER : 1-800-80 3-9611. Hours: 9:00 A M - 7:00 PM East ern
Time; Monday - Friday; 11:00 A M - 5:00 PM ; Saturday.
IMPORTANT: Before return ing the unit for repai r, test it with fresh al kaline
batteries. Even new batter ies may be defectiv e or weak and low batt ery power
is a frequent cause of unsatisf actory opera tion.
(This product warrant y is valid in the Un ited Kingdom o nly)
All products in the RADICA® ra nge are fully guara nteed for a period o f 6
months from the original purcha se date under norma l use, against defe ctive
workmanship and materials (b atteries exclud ed). This war ranty does not c over
damage resulting from accident , unreasonable u se, negligence, impr oper
service or other causes not ar ising out of defect s in material or wor kmanship.
In the unlikely event that you do exper ience a problem wit hin the first 6
months, please telephone the Techn ical Support te am: Tel. 01628 50 0303.
IMPORTANT: Always test the pr oduct with fres h alkaline batte ries. Even new
batteries may be defective or we ak and low batter y power is a frequen t cause
of unsatisfactory opera tion.
WILD CARD – When a Wild card is playe d, the
player may choose any color to contin ue the play,
including the one currently be ing played, if so
desired. A Wild card can be playe d at any time
– even if the player has another playabl e card in
the hand. After you play a Wild card, u se SCROLL
RIGHT and SCROLL LEFT to toggle be tween
the different colors, and p ress ENTER when the
desired color is visible. If a Wi ld card is turned up
at the beginning of play, the person to the l eft of
the dealer determines the col or, which continues
WILD DRAW FOUR CARD – This is the be st card
to have. The person who plays it choos es the
color that continues play. Also, the nex t player
has to draw 4 cards from the DRAW pile a nd miss
his/her turn. Unfortu nately, the card can only
be played when the player holding it d oes not
have a card in his/her hand to matc h the color on
the DISCARD pile. If the player holds m atching
numbers or Action Cards, however, the Wi ld Draw
Four card may be played. After you play a Wi ld
Draw Four card, use SCROLL RIGHT a nd SCROLL
LEFT to toggle between the diff erent colors, and
press ENTER when the desired c olor is visible. If
this card is turned up at the begin ning of play, it is
returned to the deck and another c ard replaces it.
When you first purchase your gam e, it will be in
demo mode. To exit demo mode, press the RES ET
button located on the back of the ho using.
Press either UNO® or ENTER /PLAY to turn ON the
Use the SCROLL LEFT/SCROLL RIG HT buttons to
choose a 2, 3, or 4 player game, and pres s ENTER
to confirm your selection.
to select a level of difficulty, and pre ss ENTER to
confirm your selection.
Once the game begins, you will know w hen it is
your turn when your player indicator ( the circle
with the number 1) is quickly disp laying all of the
different game colors.
When it is your turn, you can use the SCR OLL
LEFT/SCROLL RIGHT buttons to s croll through
your cards. When you have highlighte d (placed in
the center position) the car d that you want to play
CARDS), press ENTER /PLAY to move that card to
the DISCARD pile.
If you do not have a playable card, press D RAW/
HIGH SCORE to draw a card from the DR AW pile.
If the card is playable, press ENT ER/PLAY to move
the card to the DISCARD pile. If the car d is not
playable, it is your opponent’s turn.
In addition to being visually re presented, the exact
number of cards in each player’s han d will be
displayed in his/her playe r indicator (circle with th e
number 1, 2, 3, or 4).
When it is your turn, your current s core will be
displayed in black in the center ri ght-hand side of
the screen. When it is an oppone nt’s turn, this area
will display his/her scor e in red. At the end of each
round of play, the scores will be updated. R ounds
of play will continue until either you o r an opponent
reaches 500 points and beco mes the winner.
Keep playing and sharpening yo ur skills, and in no
time you’ll be saying “UNO”!
In order to conserve batter y power, your game will
go to sleep if there is no activity ( buttons pressed )
for one minute. Don’t worry! If you p ress either
UNO® or ENTER/PLAY, the unit will wake up, and
your game will be exactly where you lef t it!
This game is powered by four (4) A AA (LR03)
• U sing a screwdriver (not inc luded), loosen the
screw until the battery comp artment door can
be removed.
• R emove batteries and disp ose of them safely.
• I nsert four (4) AA A (LR03) bat teries as indicated
inside the battery compar tment.
• R eplace the battery co mpartment door and
tighten the screw with a screwdriver. Do not
• B atteries included ar e for demonstration pur-
poses only.
• Fo r longer life use only alkal ine batteries.
• R eplace the batteries wh en the product does
not function properly.
In exceptional circumstance s batteries may leak
fluids that can cause a chemica l burn injury or ruin
your product. To avoid battery leaka ge;
• D o not use rechargeable b atteries.
• N on-rechargeable ba tteries are not to be re-
• D o not mix alkaline, standa rd (carbon-zinc), o r
rechargeable (nickel- cadmium) batterie s.
• D o not mix old and new batterie s.
• O nly batteries of the same o r equivalent type as
recommended are to be used.
• B atteries are to be inser ted with the correct
• E xhausted batteries a re to be removed from the
• T he supply terminals are n ot to be short-
• D ispose of batteries saf ely.
• D o not dispose of this produc t in a fire. The bat-
teries inside may explode or lea k.
• S ometimes, a buil d-up of static el ectricity
(from carpets, et c) may cause the g ame to
stop working. Just re set the game, and it w ill
work again.
• I n an environment w ith radio frequ ency in-
terference, the p roduct may malfu nction and
require user to rese t the product.
This device complies with Par t 15 of the FCC
Rules. Operation is subjec t to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may no t cause harmful
interference, and (2 ) this device must accept any
interference received, in cluding interferenc e that
may cause undesired operat ion.
WARNING: Changes or mo difications to this unit
not expressly approved by the par ty responsible
for compliance could void the use r’s authority to
operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment ha s been tested and
found to comply with the limits for a Cla ss B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rule s.
These limits are designed to p rovide reason-
able protection against har mful interference in a
residential installatio n. This equipment gener ates,
uses and can radiate radio freq uency energy and,
if not installed and used in acc ordance with the
instructions, may cause har mful interference to
radio communications. However, ther e is no guar-
antee that interference will n ot occur in a particular
installation. If this equipm ent does cause harmful
interference to radio or televi sion reception, which
can be determined by turning the e quipment off


© 2007 Mattel, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
RADICA USA Ltd., 16650 Westgrove Dr., Suite 500, Addison, TX 75001. Helpline 1.800.803.9611 or
Retain this address for future reference.
Mattel Canada Inc., Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3W2. You may call us free
at 1.800.803.9611.
Mattel U.K. Ltd., Vanwall Business Park, Maidenhead SL6 4UB. Helpline 01628 500303.
Mattel Australia Pty., Ltd., Richmond, Victoria. 3121.Consumer Advisory
Service - 1300 135 312.
Mattel East Asia Ltd., Room 1106, South Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City,
Tsimshatsui, HK, China.
Diimport & Diedarkan Oleh: Mattel SEA Ptd Ltd.(993532-P) Lot 13.5, 13th Floor, Menara
Lien Hoe, Persiaran Tropicana Golf Country Resort, 47410 PJ. Tel:03-78803817, Fax:03-
Mattel, Inc., 333 Continental Blvd., El Segundo, CA 90245 U.S.A.
Consumer Relations 1.800.803.9611.