Radio Shack 14-1132 124#6+10, 2NCKPIC6CRG, KUVGPKPI5CHGN, 6TCHHKE5CHGV, 4GEQTFKPI, Recording

Models: 14-1132

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Use the tape counter to keep track of the tape position


during recording or playback. Before playing a tape, press


the tape counter reset button to set the counter to 000.


Set the auto reverse switch inside the cassette compart-


ment to

(one-time playback) or



playback. One-time playback plays one side of the tape to


its end, then automatically reverses the tape’s playback


direction, plays the reverse side of the tape, then


automatically stops.



To protect your hearing, follow these guidelines when you use an earphone.

• Set the volume to the lowest setting

before you begin listening. After you

begin listening, adjust the volume to a

comfortable level.

• Do not listen at extremely high volume

levels. Extended high-volume

listening can lead to permanent

hearing loss.

• Once you set the volume, do not

Switch DIRECTION to FWD to play the side of the cassette facing out, or to REV to play the side facing in.

Insert a tape then press PLAY. The

Fast forward


button locks down and the tape plays.



To stop the tape, press STOP.

To stop play momentarily, slide PAUSE in the direction of the arrow. Slide PAUSE to the other position to resume play.

Adjust VOLUME to the desired listening level.

increase it. Over time, your ears adapt

to the volume level, so a volume level

that does not cause discomfort might

still damage your hearing.


Do not wear an earphone while operating a motor vehicle or riding a bicycle. This can create a traffic hazard and could be illegal in some areas.

Even though some earphones let you hear some outside sounds when listening at normal volume levels, they still can

Turn PLAYBACK SPEED toward FAST to play the tape more quickly or toward SLOW to play it more slowly.


Use the built-in microphone or an optional external microphone to record.

Set REC SPEED to NORM for normal recording or to EXT for extended recording (twice the normal recording time). When REC SPEED is set to EXT, the recorder puts the recording in half the space used during normal speed.

Set MIC SENS to LO (low) when the sound source is nearby, or to HI (high) when the sound source is far away.

Press RECORD when you want to begin recording. RECORD and PLAY automatically lock down. If VOX is set to OUT, recording begins immediately. If VOX is set to IN, recording begins when the recorder picks up sound.

present a traffic hazard.



If you load a cassette with the erase-protection tabs broken off, do not try to force down RECORD. This can damage the recording mechanism.


Playing a Tape

If you set DIRECTION to REV, the recorder


plays only the reverse side and stops at the


end of that side.

If you move DIRECTION from REV to FWD


during playback, the recorder stops.

Continuous playback: plays both sides of the


tape continuously until you press STOP.

Set REC SPEED to NORM for tapes that


have been prerecorded on other recorders


or recorded with the normal record setting on


this recorder. Or set REC SPEED to EXT for

If you set VOX to IN, adjust VOX SENS to set the sound level at which recording begins. When you adjust VOX SENS higher, softer sounds start VOX recording. When you adjust VOX SENS lower, louder sounds start VOX recording.

Slide VOICE ZOOM to ON to record specific voices without background interference. The recorder cuts off higher and lower frequency signals (background noise) and enhances the mid-range.

Set VOX to OUT to manually start and stop recording, or to IN to use voice-activated recording. When VOX is set to IN, recording begins when the recorder picks up sound and stops a few seconds after the sound stops. 2NC[KPI"C"6CRG

To stop recording before it automatically stops, press STOP.

tapes that have been recorded with the

extended record setting on this recorder.


The recorder records on one side of the tape, automatically reverses the tape’s direction, records on the reverse side of the tape, then automatically stops.

You can use an earphone (not supplied) to monitor a recording in progress.

To pause recording, slide PAUSE in the direction of the arrow. To resume recording, slide PAUSE to the other position.

Voice-activated recording saves power and tape if there are long or frequent pauses in the material you are recording.

Tapes recorded at EXT can play only on this recorder or on another recorder that has the extended recording feature.


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Radio Shack 14-1132 owner manual 124#6+10, 2NCKPIC6CRG, KUVGPKPI5CHGN, 6TCHHKE5CHGV, 4GEQTFKPI, Recording, Playing a Tape