SEARCH BANDSYour scanner has 11 preprogrammed search bands. Each band covers a specific
range of frequencies which you can search for specific broadcasts by using the
SEARCH and BAND keys. For example, you can search through all frequencies be-
tween 29.000 and 30.000 MHz for specific broadcasts.
This table shows the search band range displayed by the scanner and the typical
usage, frequency coverage, and step rate for each search band range.
• Your scanner searches at the preset frequency step rate (5, 12.5, or 25 kHz) for
each search band.
• You cannot change the frequency step rate.
Range Typical Usage Frequency Coverage
29–30 10-Meter Amateur Radio 29.0000–30.0000 5.0
30–50 VHF Lo 30.0000–50.0000 5.0
50–54 6-Meter Amateur Radio 50.0000–54.0000 5.0
108–137 Aircraft 108.0000–136.9750 25.0
137–144 Government 137.0000–144.0000 5.0
144–148 2-Meter Amateur Radio 144.0000–148.0000 5.0
148–174 VHF Hi 148.0000–174.0000 5.0
406–420 Government 406.0000–420.0000 12.5
420–450 70-Centimeter Amateur Radio 420.0000–450.0000 12.5
450–470 UHF Lo 450.0000–470.0000 12.5
470–512 UHF “T” Band 470.0000–512.0000 12.5
20-147.fm Page 15 Tuesday, Augus t 3, 19 99 3:23 PM