20010 Villastanza di Parabiago (MI)

Viale della Repubblica 40




Noi RANCILIO Macchine per caffè S.p.A.

Dichiariamo sotto la nostra responsabilità che il prodotto: Macchina per caffè per uso professionale

Déclarons, sous notre responsabilité, que le produit : Machine à café d’utilisation professionnel

Wir erklären auf unsere Verantwortung, daß das Produkt: Kaffeemaschine für Beruflichgebrauch

Declare under our responsibility that the product: Espresso coffee makers for commercial use

Declaramos bajo nuestra responsabilidad que el producto: Máquina para café de uso profesional

Declaramos sob a nossa responsabilidade que o produto: Máquina para café para uso profissional

al quale è riferita questa Dichiarazione, secondo quanto prescritto dalle direttive specifiche: à laquelle se réfère cette déclaration, selon les prescriptions des directives spécifiques.

auf das sich diese Erklärung bezieht, Entsprechend der Vorschriften der spezifischen Richtlinien.

to which this declaration relates is, according to the provisions of the specific directives:

al cual se refiere esta Declaración, de acuerdo con lo prescrito por las específicas directivas:

ao qual se refere esta Declaração, segundo quanto prescrito pelas específicas diretrizes:


Direttiva macchina - Direttiva machine - Richtlinie Maschine - Makers directive - Directiva máquina - Diretriz da máquina:

73/23/CEE, 93/68/CEE

Direttiva Bassa Tensione - Direttiva Basse Tension - Niederspannungsrichtline - Low Voltage Directive - Directiva Baja Tensiòn - Diretriz Baixa Tensão:

89/336/CEE, 93/68/CEE, 92/31/CEE

Direttiva EMC - Direttiva EMC - Richtlinie EMC - EMC Directive - Directiva EMC - Diretriz EMC


Direttiva attrezzatura a pressione (PED)-Directive sur les appareillages sous pression (PED)-Richtlinie für unter Druck stehende Geräte (PED) Pressure

device directive (PED) - Directiva equipos de presión (PED) - Diretriz aparelhagem de pressão (PED)

èconforme alle seguenti norme: - conforme aux normes suivantes :

In Übereinstimmung mit den folgenden Normen: - it complies with the following norms:

es conforme a las siguientes normas: - É conforme as seguintes normas:

EN 60335-1, EN 60335-2-75, EN 55014-1, EN 55014-2, EN 61000-3, EN 61000-4, EN 50366

Norme EN armonizzate - Normes EN harmonisées - Harmonisierte EN-Norme - Harmonized EN norms - Normas EN armonizadas - Normes EN Harmonia

Il presidente - The president

La presente dichiarazione perde la sua validità se la macchina viene modificata senza la nostra espressa autorizzazione.

La présente déclaration perd sa validité dès lors que la machine est modifiée sans notre expresse autorisation.

Die vorliegende Erklärung verliert ihre Gültigkeit, wenn die Maschine ohne unsere ausdrückliche Genehmigung verändert wird.

The present declaration will become invalid should the machine be modified without our specific authorization.

La presente declaración pierde su validez si la máquina es modificada sin nuestra expresa autorización.

A presente declaração perde a validade se a máquina é modificada sem a nossa expressa autorização.


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Rancilio epoca manual Villastanza di Parabiago MI Viale della Repubblica

epoca specifications

The Rancilio Epoca is a prominent commercial espresso machine recognized for its blend of robust performance, elegant design, and user-friendly features. Since its inception, it has become a staple in cafes and restaurants, appealing to both professional baristas and coffee enthusiasts seeking quality and innovation.

One of the standout features of the Rancilio Epoca is its dual boiler system, which allows for simultaneous brewing and steaming. This technology significantly enhances productivity during peak hours, ensuring that baristas can deliver exceptional espresso shots while maintaining the capability to froth milk efficiently. The separate boilers also ensure optimal temperature stability for both espresso and steam, crucial for achieving the perfect extraction and milk texture.

Temperature control is a key aspect of the Epoca, featuring independent temperature regulation for each brewing group. This allows baristas to customize the brewing temperature to match various coffee beans and styles, ensuring optimal flavor extraction for each shot. The machine also comes equipped with digital display controls, providing easy access to important parameters and settings.

Efficient energy consumption is another highlight of the Rancilio Epoca. The machine is designed to minimize energy usage without compromising performance. It features a low-heat transfer design, which keeps the energy consumption at bay while still providing consistent heat for brewing and steaming.

The Rancilio Epoca is constructed with high-quality materials, including stainless steel, ensuring durability and longevity in a busy coffee environment. The machine’s maintenance is straightforward, with easy access to key components, facilitating regular cleaning and servicing. This accessibility helps to maintain the machine in optimal working condition, prolonging its lifespan and reducing downtime.

Ergonomically designed, the Rancilio Epoca also prioritizes user comfort. Its height-adjustable work area allows for accommodating various cup sizes, making it versatile for different serving needs. The machine's controls are intuitively placed, ensuring that baristas can operate the machine efficiently even during the busiest hours.

Overall, the Rancilio Epoca embodies the perfect combination of tradition and innovation. With its advanced technologies, exceptional brewing capabilities, and emphasis on user experience, it has solidified its place as a premier choice for those serious about coffee. Whether in a high-traffic cafe or a boutique espresso bar, the Rancilio Epoca delivers quality performance that stands the test of time.