Getting Started: Software Setup
2. The Welcome Screen appears, click Next to
continue and show the License Agreement.
3. After you’ve read the license agreement, click
Yes to accept (to continue, you must click Yes),
or No to decline. If you click Yes, the User
Registration Information screen appears.
4. Enter your name, e-mail address, postal code,
country, year of birth and sex (male or female).
Click Next to continue.
Note: You must enter an e-mail address to
proceed. If you do not have an e-mail
address, enter yourname@home.com.
5. The Personalize Music Recommendation screen
appears. Read the screen to determine if you
want to use this feature or not. You can change
the settings later. Select Yes or No and click Next
to continue.
6. The Installation Options screen appears. Select
Express Setup and click Next to continue.
The Installation begins.