5. Eyepieces with focal lengths from
6.Orthoscopic eyepieces work well because they tend to have less internal reflection (less ghosting) and also have fairly flat fields of view. Barlow lenses are the BEST way to enlarge images. There are no internal reflections and they can be stacked to increase magnification further. You will need the
7.The ASTROVID SolarCam™ video camera has greatly increased sensitivity to infrared radiation to approximately 1100nm. This should not be an issue with narrowband
8.For white light observations, we highly recommend the Baader Planetarium Solar Continuum Filter and also the Baader Planetarium Neutral Density filters. A Wratten green #56 or green #58 filter can also be substituted. These filters will greatly increase the contrast of fine solar surface detail.
9.Other filters such as the greens, blues and neutral density filter can
also be used with
10.The SolarCam™ has manual controls that should accommodate any solar imaging Situation including white light and narrowband..
11.The compact size of the SolarCam™ will allow it to adapt to any size telescope.
The above information is just a guideline to get you started.
We invite your comments and feedback and look forward to exploring this new facet of Amateur Astronomy with you. We will publish images sent to us on our web page. Credit will be given for all items used.
72 Harrison Ave
Hudson Falls, NY 12839
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