32185/32186/32192/32195/32196 Group
Starter Kit User’s Manual M3A-2154G52B
REJ10B0223-0140/Rev.1.40 Jan. 2007 Page 43 of 79
Table 2.5 Channel Selection by a Rotary Switch
Rotary switch position SIO Selected channel
0 SIO0
1 SIO1
2 SIO2
3 SIO3
4 SIO0
5 SIO1
6 SIO2
7 SIO3
8 SIO0
9 SIO1
Table 2.6 Serial I/O Interface (Jumper)
Name Condition Description
between 1–2 Default Connects P83/RXD0/TO25 to the extension connector (CON2)
J15 Shorted
between 2–3 Uses the RXD0 function in RS-232C
between 1–2 Default Connects P86/RXD1/TO22 to the extension connector (CON2)
J18 Shorted
between 2–3 Uses the RXD1 function in RS-232C
between 1–2 Default Connects P175/RXD2/TO27 to the extension connector (CON2)
J19 Shorted
between 2–3 Uses the RXD2 function in RS-232C
between 1–2 Default Connects P75/RTDRXD/RXD3/NBDD1 to the extension connector
J20 Shorted
between 2–3 Uses the RXD3 function in RS-232C
Note: The jumpers J15, J18, J19 and J20 are shorted by jumper parts.
Table 2.7 RS-232C Connector Pin Assignments
Name Pin No Signal Name Description
1 DCD Unused
2 RXD Received data
3 TXD Transmitted data
4 DTR Connects to the DSR pin
5 SG Ground
6 DSR Connects to the DTR pin
7 RTS Connects to the CTS pin
8 CTS Connects to the RTS pin
9 RI Unused