Either type or browse to the location of the CDC project you have
generated and built.
Press next to install the CDC support.
During the installation process a warning may be displayed as
shown. Please choose “Continue Anyway” to install the driver.
Please review the Microsoft website for details of the Windows
Logo Testing programme.
Windows will then complete the installation of the CDC USB
An additional COM port will become available to Window Applications. To be able to see the port that has been allocated you can open the
Windows Device Manager window. To do this go to the start menu and select run. In the dialog displayed type “devmgmt.msc”. This will
open the device manager. Expand the group of serial ports and the installed ports will be listed. When the Serial Terminal program
connects to this COM port*, it will receive a repeating message from the RSK saying:
“Renesas USB CDC Sample, Press Switch SW1.”
* Note that the configuration settings for such things as baud rate and parity are irrelevant for this virtual COM port.