The MSC sample demonstrates how a host can view a MSC device as an external drive. There is no additional application for this as the
MSC support is inherent in Windows XP.
Start the MSC sample application running on the RSK then connect the RSK to a Windows PC via a USB cable.
Using Windows Explorer, or similar, look to find the new drive that Windows will have mounted. This drive is viewing the contents of the
sample RAM Disk on the RSK. It has been formatted with a FAT file system and given a volume name of “RENESAS”. The available space
for data is 4KB. It includes one example file called Renesas.txt which can be opened edited and saved. As you would expect from a normal
drive you can also copy files to it, although remember that this is a RAM Disk that will loose its contents when power is removed from the
Figure 4 - Windows Explorer showing new Disk Drive mapping
There is an option in file ‘ram_disk.c’ that will prevent the RAM disk from initialising itself with a file system. To select this comment out the
#define of FORMAT_WITH_FAT_Example. In this case Windows will report that the drive is not formatted and give the user the option of
formatting it.