The USBCore layer handles standard USB requests common to all USB devices during the enumeration stage. This means that a developer
can concentrate on any class or vendor specific implementation. The USBCore requires initialising with the descriptors specific to the device
being implemented. It uses the USBHAL, which it initialises, to access the particular HW.
The following Get_Descriptor requests are handled:
Language ID (Only a single language ID is supported and this is currently English)
Serial Number
The USBCDC API consists of a single function called ‘USBCORE_Init’. This initialises the USBCore and the HAL. In addition to passing
device descriptors to this function it also requires call back functions for the following conditions:
A Setup packet has been received that this layer can’t handle. This enables a higher layer to handle class or vender specific requests.
A Control Data Out has completed following a setup packet that is being handled by the layer above.
The USB cable has been connected or disconnected.
An unhandled error has occurred.
The HAL module consists of the following files:-